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Università della Svizzera italiana

A commitment-based approach to agent communication

Fornara, Nicoletta ; Colombetti, Marco

In: Applied artificial intelligence, 2004/18/9/10/853-866

In this paper we propose an operational method for the definition of the semantics of Agent Communication Languages based on the notion of social commitment. Our proposal is suitable for open interaction frameworks where agents, designed by independent constructors, dynamically enter and leave different interaction systems. In this type of environments it is crucial to define a standard and...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Interaction and communication among autonomous agents in multiagent systems

Fornara, Nicoletta ; Colombetti, Marco (Dir.) ; Gambardella, Luca Maria (Codir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2003 ; 2003COM002.

The main goal of this doctoral thesis is to investigate a fundamental topic of research within the Multiagent Systems paradigm: the problem of defining open, heterogeneous, and dynamic interaction frameworks. That is to realize interaction systems where multiple agents can enter and leave dynamically and where no assumptions are made on the internal structure of the interacting agents. Such topic...