Université de Fribourg

CD103 is a hallmark of tumor-infiltrating regulatory T cells

Anz, David ; Mueller, Wolfgang ; Golic, Michaela ; Kunz, Wolfgang G. ; Rapp, Moritz ; Koelzer, Viktor H. ; Ellermeier, Jonathan ; Ellwart, Joachim W. ; Schnurr, Max ; Bourquin, Carole ; Endres, Stefan

In: International Journal of Cancer, 2012, vol. 129, no. 10, p. 2417–2426

Regulatory T cells (Treg) mediate tolerance towards self-antigens by suppression of innate and adaptive immunity. In cancer patients, tumor-infiltrating FoxP3+ Treg suppress local anti-tumor immune responses and are often associated with poor prognosis. Markers that are selectively expressed on tumor-infiltrating Treg may serve as targets for immunotherapy of cancer. Here we show that CD103, an...