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    Université de Fribourg

    Cervical cancer (over)screening in Belgium and Switzerland: trends and social inequalities

    De Prez, Vincent ; Jolidon, Vladimir ; Willems, Barbara ; Cullati, Stéphane ; Burton-Jeangros, Claudine ; Bracke, Piet

    In: European Journal of Public Health, 2020, vol. 30, no. 3, p. 552–557

    Cervical cancer screening (CCS) by means of Pap smears has led to a decrease in cervical cancer incidence and mortality. In the absence of organized programmes, CCS is opportunistic in Belgium and Switzerland. This might result in a high level of CCS overuse, as screening practices do not conform to the recommended 3-yearly screening interval and the target age-ranges (Belgium: 25–64,...