Université de Fribourg

Multiscale approach to (micro)porosity quantification in continental spring carbonate facies: Case study from the Cakmak quarry (Denizli, Turkey)

De Boever, Eva ; Foubert, Anneleen ; Oligschlaeger, Dirk ; Claes, Steven ; Soete, Jeroen ; Bertier, Pieter ; Özkul, Mehmet ; Virgone, Aurélien ; Swennen, Rudy

In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2016, vol. 17, no. 7, p. 2922–2939

Carbonate spring deposits gained renewed interest as potential contributors to subsurface reservoirs and as continental archives of environmental changes. In contrast to their fabrics, petrophysical characteristics – and especially the importance of microporosity (< 1µm) – are less understood. This study presents the combination of advanced petrophysical and imaging techniques to...