Ergebnisse einschränken






    Université de Fribourg

    Muon-spin rotation study of magnetism in NaxCoO₂ single crystals with 0.78 ≼ x ≼ 0.97

    Bernhard, Christian ; Niedermayer, Ch. ; Drew, Alan J. ; Khaliullin, G. ; Bayrakci, S. ; Strempfer, J. ; Kremer, R. K. ; Chen, D. P. ; Lin, T. ; Keimer, B.

    In: Europhysics Letters, 2007, vol. 80, no. 2, p. 27005

    By muon spin rotation we investigated the magnetic properties of a series of highly Na-doped NaxCoO₂ single crystals with 0.78(1) ≼ x ≼ 0.97(1). Our data provide evidence for an intrinsically inhomogeneous magnetic state which can be described in terms of hole-doping (Na vacancy)-induced magnetic clusters that percolate at 1−x≳0.04 until they yield a bulk...