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Université de Fribourg

Chronic progressive HIV 1 infection is associated with elevated levels of myeloid derived suppressor cells

Vollbrecht, Thomas ; Stirner, Renate ; Tufman, Amanda ; Roider, Julia ; Huber, Rudolf M. ; Bogner, Johannes R. ; Lechner, Andreas ; Bourquin, Carole ; Draenert, Rika

In: AIDS, 2012, vol. 26, no. 12, p. F31–F37

Objectives: Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) have been described as suppressors of T-cell functions in many tumor models. However, MDSC in HIV-1 infection have not been studied to date. As impaired T-cell function is a hallmark of chronic progressive HIV-1 infection, we hypothesized that MDSC also play a role here.Methods: Surface staining and flow cytometry analysis were performed on...