Université de Fribourg

Subfossil lemur discoveries from the Beanka Protected Area in western Madagascar

Burney, David A. ; Andriamialison, Haingoson ; Andrianaivoarivelo, Radosoa A. ; Bourne, Steven ; Crowley, Brooke E. ; Boer, Erik J. de ; Godfrey, Laurie R. ; Goodman, Steven M. ; Griffiths, Christine ; Griffiths, Owen ; Hume, Julian P. ; Joyce, Walter G. ; Jungers, William L. ; Marciniak, Stephanie ; Middleton, Gregory J. ; Muldoon, Kathleen M. ; Noromalala, Eliette ; Pérez, Ventura R. ; Perry, George H. ; Randalana, Roger ; Wright, Henry T.

In: Quaternary Research, 2020, vol. 93, no. 1, p. 187–203

A new fossil site in a previously unexplored part of western Madagascar (the Beanka Protected Area) has yielded remains of many recently extinct vertebrates, including giant lemurs (Babakotia radofilai, Palaeopropithecus kelyus, Pachylemur sp., and Archaeolemur edwardsi), carnivores (Cryptoprocta spelea), the aardvark-like Plesiorycteropus sp., and giant ground cuckoos (Coua). Many of these...