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    Université de Fribourg

    A role for pancreatic beta-cell secretory hyperresponsiveness in catch-up growth hyperinsulinemia: Relevance to thrifty catch-up fat phenotype and risks for type 2 diabetes

    Casimir, Marina ; Andrade, Paula B. de ; Gjinovci, Asllan ; Montani, Jean-Pierre ; Maechler, Pierre ; Dulloo, Abdul G.

    In: Nutrition & Metabolism, 2011, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 2

    Current notions about mechanisms by which catch-up growth predisposes to later type 2 diabetes center upon those that link hyperinsulinemia with an accelerated rate of fat deposition (catch-up fat). Using a rat model of semistarvation-refeeding in which catch-up fat is driven solely by elevated metabolic efficiency associated with hyperinsulinemia, we previously reported that insulin-stimulated...