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Parola chiave

    Université de Fribourg

    New approach for time-resolved and dynamic investigations on nanoparticles agglomeration

    Anaraki, Neda Iranpour ; Sadeghpour, Amin ; Iranshahi, Kamran ; Toncelli, Claudio ; Cendrowska, Urszula ; Stellacci, Francesco ; Dommann, Alex ; Wick, Peter ; Neels, Antonia

    In: Nano Research, 2020, vol. 13, no. 10, p. 2847–2856

    Nanoparticle (NP) colloidal stability plays a crucial role in biomedical application not only for human and environmental safety but also for NP efficiency and functionality. NP agglomeration is considered as a possible process in monodispersed NP colloidal solutions, which drastically affects colloidal stability. This process is triggered by changes in the physicochemical properties of the...