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    Université de Fribourg

    Insight into the evolution of the Solanaceae from the parental genomes of Petunia hybrida

    Bombarely, Aureliano ; Moser, Michel ; Amrad, Avichai ; Bao, Manzhu ; Bapaume, Laure ; Barry, Cornelius S. ; Bliek, Mattijs ; Boersma, Maaike R. ; Borghi, Lorenzo ; Bruggmann, Rémy ; Bucher, Marcel ; DAgostino, Nunzio ; Davies, Kevin ; Druege, Uwe ; Dudareva, Natalia ; Egea-Cortines, Marcos ; Delledonne, Massimo ; Fernandez-Pozo, Noe ; Franken, Philipp ; Grandont, Laurie ; Heslop-Harrison, J. S. ; Hintzsche, Jennifer ; Johns, Mitrick ; Koes, Ronald ; Lv, Xiaodan ; Lyons, Eric ; Malla, Diwa ; Martinoia, Enrico ; Mattson, Neil S. ; Morel, Patrice ; Mueller, Lukas A. ; Muhlemann, Joëlle ; Nouri, Eva ; Passeri, Valentina ; Pezzotti, Mario ; Qi, Qinzhou ; Reinhardt, Didier ; Rich, Melanie ; Richert-Pöggeler, Katja R. ; Robbins, Tim P. ; Schatz, Michael C. ; Schranz, M. Eric ; Schuurink, Robert C. ; Schwarzacher, Trude ; Spelt, Kees ; Tang, Haibao ; Urbanus, SusanL. ; Vandenbussche, Michiel ; Vijverberg, Kitty ; Villarino, Gonzalo H. ; Warner, RyanM. ; Weiss, Julia ; Yue, Zhen ; Zethof, Jan ; Quattrocchio, Francesca ; Sims, Thomas L. ; Kuhlemeier, Cris

    In: Nature Plants, 2016, vol. 2, p. 16074

    Petunia hybrida is a popular bedding plant that has a long history as a genetic model system. We report the whole-genome sequencing and assembly of inbred derivatives of its two wild parents, P. axillaris N and P. inflata S6. The assemblies include 91.3% and 90.2% coverage of their diploid genomes (1.4 Gb; 2n = 14) containing 32,928 and 36,697 protein-coding genes, respectively. The...