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    Université de Fribourg

    Parvalbumin-neurons of the ventrolateral hypothalamic parvafox nucleus receive a glycinergic input: a gene-microarray study

    Szabolcsi, Viktoria ; Albisetti, Gioele W. ; Celio, Marco R.

    In: Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 2017, vol. 10, p. -

    The ventrolateral hypothalamic parvafox (formerly called PV1-Foxb1) nucleus is an anatomical entity of recent discovery and unknown function. With a view to gaining an insight into its putative functional role(s), we conducted a gene-microarray analysis and, armed with the forthcoming data, controlled the results with the Allen databases and the murine BrainStars (B*) database. The parvafox...