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Université de Fribourg

Crosstalk and differential response to abiotic and biotic stressors reflected at the transcriptional level of effector genes from secondary metabolism

Glombitza, Sabine ; Dubuis, Pierre-henri ; Thulke, Oliver ; Welzl, Gerhard ; Bovet, Lucien ; Götz, Michael ; Affenzeller, Matthias ; Geist, Birgit ; Hehn, Alain ; Asnaghi, Carole ; Ernst, Dieter ; Seidlitz, Harald ; Gundlach, Heidrun ; Mayer, Klaus ; Martinoia, Enrico ; Werck-reichhart, Daniele ; Mauch, Felix ; Schäffner, Anton

In: Plant Molecular Biology, 2005, vol. 54, p. 817-835

Plant secondary metabolism significantly contributes to defensive measures against adverse abiotic and biotic cues. To investigate stress-induced, transcriptional alterations of underlying effector gene families, which encode enzymes acting consecutively in secondary metabolism and defense reactions, a DNA array (MetArray) harboring gene-specific probes was established. It comprised complete sets...