Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration

Conservation des collections naturalisées traitées aux biocides: étude de la collection Mammifères et Oiseaux du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Neuchâtel

Dangeon, Marion

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration, 2014.

The contamination of natural history collections by pesticides is well known. They represent a large array of organic and inorganic products. Used as repellents or insecticides, they create a public health problem for the museum personnel and the visitors. We have chosen to carry out a study on the contamination of the mammal and bird collection of the Natural History Museum of Neuchâtel by...

Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration

La collection en fluide du Musée botanique de l'Université de Zürich : conservation-restauration de six spécimens, identification/sélection de solutions de préservation et tests d'étanchéité des matériaux de scellement

Dangeon, Marion

Mémoire de master : Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration, 2016.

This master thesis concerns the conservation-restoration of six uncommon specimens of the botanical spirit collection of the botanical Museum of Zurich University. Our study focused firstly to define and present the nature and components of a spirit collection via a literary journal. This revealed a large panel of techniques and materials employed within this type of collection and specificities...