Université de Fribourg

Low-energy interband transitions in the infrared response of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2

Maršík, Premysl ; Wang, Chen Nan ; Rössle, Matthias ; Yazdi-Rizi, M. ; Schuster, Roman ; Kim, Kyung Wan ; Dubroka, Adam ; Munzar, Dominik ; Wolf, T. ; Chen, X. H. ; Bernhard, Christian

In: Physical Review B, 2014, vol. 88, no. 18, p. 180508

We studied the doping and temperature (T) dependence of the infrared (IR) response of Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2 single crystals. We show that a weak band around 1000 cm−1, that was previously interpreted in terms of interaction of the charge carriers with magnetic excitations or of a pseudogap, is rather related to low-energy interband transitions. Specifically, we show that this band exhibits a...

Université de Fribourg

Optical probe of ferroelectric order in bulk and thin-film perovskite titanates

Rössle, Matthias ; Wang, Chen Nan ; Maršík, Premysl ; Yazdi-Rizi, M. ; Kim, Kyung Wan ; Dubroka, Adam ; Marozau, Ivan ; Schneider, C. W. ; Humlíček, J. ; Baeriswyl, Dionys ; Bernhard, Christian

In: Physical Review B, 2013, vol. 88, no. 10, p. 104110

We have measured the temperature dependence of the direct band gap Eg in SrTiO₃ and BaTiO₃ and related materials with quantum-paraelectric and ferroelectric properties using optical spectroscopy. We show that Eg exhibits an anomalous temperature dependence with pronounced changes in the vicinity of the ferroelectric transition that can be...

Université de Fribourg

Transient spin density wave order induced in the normal state of BaFe 2 As 2 by coherent lattice oscillations

Kim, Kyung Wan ; Pashkin, A. ; Schäfer, H. ; Beyer, M. ; Porer, M. ; Wolf, T. ; Bernhard, Christian ; Demsar, J. ; Huber, R. ; Leitenstorfer, A.

In: EPJ Web of Conferences, 2013, vol. 41, p. 03012

We trace the ultrafast dynamics of the spin density wave gap of the pnictide system BaFe2As2 probing resonantly with broadband multi-terahertz pulses. The photoexcitation in the low-temperature ground state leads to a fast suppression of the spin order followed by a slower recovery process. Surprisingly, in the normal state, we observe periodic oscillations of the spin density wave feature at a...

Université de Fribourg

Electric-Field-Induced Polar Order and Localization of the Confined Electrons in LaAlO₃/SrTiO₃ Heterostructures

Rössle, Matthias ; Kim, Kyung Wan ; Dubroka, Adam ; Maršík, Premysl ; Wang, Chen Nan ; Jany, R. ; Richter, C. ; Mannhart, J. ; Schneider, C. W. ; Frano, A. ; Wochner, P. ; Lu, Y. ; Keimer, B. ; Shukla, D. K. ; Strempfer, J. ; Bernhard, Christian

In: Physical Review Letters, 2013, vol. 110, no. 13, p. 136805

With ellipsometry, x-ray diffraction, and resistance measurements we investigated the electric-field effect on the confined electrons at the LaAlO₃/SrTiO₃ interface. We obtained evidence that the localization of the electrons at negative gate voltage is induced, or at least enhanced, by a polar phase transition in SrTiO₃ which strongly reduces the lattice polarizability and the subsequent...

Université de Fribourg

Evidence of a Precursor Superconducting Phase at Temperatures as High as 180 K in RBa₂Cu₃O7-δ (R=Y,Gd,Eu) Superconducting Crystals from Infrared Spectroscopy

Dubroka, Adam ; Rössle, Matthias ; Kim, Kyung Wan ; Malik, Vivek Kumar ; Munzar, Dominik ; Basov, D. N. ; Schafgans, A. A. ; Moon, S. J. ; Lin, C. T. ; Haug, D. ; Hinkov, V. ; Keimer, B. ; Wolf, Th. ; Storey, J. G. ; Tallon, Jeffery L. ; Bernhard, Christian

In: Physical Review Letters, 2011, vol. 106, no. 4, p. 047006

We show that a multilayer analysis of the infrared c-axis response of RBa₂Cu₃O7-δ (R=Y,Gd,Eu) provides important new information about the anomalous normal-state properties of underdoped cuprate high temperature superconductors. In addition to competing correlations which give rise to a pseudogap that depletes the low-energy electronic states below...

Université de Fribourg

Femtosecond response of quasiparticles and phonons in superconducting YBa₂Cu₃O7-δ studied by wideband terahertz spectroscopy

Pashkin, A. ; Porer, M. ; Beyer, M. ; Kim, Kyung Wan ; Dubroka, Adam ; Bernhard, Christian ; Yao, X. ; Dagan, Y. ; Hackl, R. ; Erb, A. ; Demsar, J. ; Huber, R. ; Leitenstorfer, A.

In: Physical Review Letters, 2010, vol. 105, no. 6, p. 067001

We measure the anisotropic midinfrared response of electrons and phonons in bulk YBa₂Cu₃O7-δ after femtosecond photoexcitation. A line shape analysis of specific lattice modes reveals their transient occupation and coupling to the superconducting condensate. The apex oxygen vibration is strongly excited within 150 fs, demonstrating that the lattice absorbs a major portion of the...

Université de Fribourg

Evidence for multiple superconducting gaps in optimally doped BaFe1.87Co0.13As₂ from infrared spectroscopy

Kim, Kyung Wan ; Rössle, Matthias ; Dubroka, Adam ; Malik, Vivek Kumar ; Wolf, Th. ; Bernhard, Christian

In: Physical Review B, 2010, vol. 81, p. 214508

We performed combined infrared reflection and ellipsometry measurements of the in-plane optical response of single crystals of the pnictide high-temperature superconductor BaFe1.87Co0.13As₂ with Tc=24.5 K. Our experimental data provide evidence for multiple superconducting energy gaps and can be well described in terms of three isotropic gaps with...

Université de Fribourg

Dynamical response and confinement of the electrons at the LaAlO₃/SrTiO₃ interface

Dubroka, Adam ; Rössle, Matthias ; Kim, Kyung Wan ; Malik, Vivek Kumar ; Schulz, Leander ; Thiel, S. ; Schneider, C. W. ; Mannhart, J. ; Herranz, G. ; Copie, O. ; Bibes, M. ; Barthélémy, A. ; Bernhard, Christian

In: Physical Review Letters, 2010, vol. 104, p. 156807

With infrared ellipsometry and transport measurements we investigated the electrons at the interface between LaAlO₃ and SrTiO₃. We obtained a sheet carrier concentration of Ns≈5–9×10¹³ cm⁻², an effective mass of m*=3.2±0.4me, and a strongly frequency dependent mobility. The latter are similar as in bulk SrTi1-xNbxO₃ and...

Université de Fribourg

Coexistence and Competition of Magnetism and Superconductivity on the Nanometer Scale in Underdoped BaFe1.89Co0.11As₂

Marsik, Premysl ; Kim, Kyung Wan ; Dubroka, Adam ; Rössle, Matthias ; Malik, Vivek Kumar ; Schulz, Leander ; Wang, Chen Nan ; Niedermayer, Ch. ; Drew, Alan J. ; Willis, M. ; Wolf, T. ; Bernhard, Christian

In: Physical Review Letters, 2010, vol. 105, no. 5, p. 057001

We report muon spin rotation (μSR) and infrared spectroscopy experiments on underdoped BaFe1.89Co0.11As₂ which show that bulk magnetism and superconductivity (SC) coexist and compete on the nanometer length scale. Our combined data reveal a bulk magnetic order, likely due to an incommensurate spin density wave (SDW), which develops below Tmag≈32 K and...

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