The journal "" ( was founded in 2016 in the Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Social Work of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and has its editorial offices there. It appears online twice yearly and includes contributions in German, English, French, or Italian. "" is a scholarly journal concerned with all areas of social policy and the welfare state. It strives to be a go-between linking academia and practice. Thus it is aimed at both scholars and all those actively practicing in the area. The journal should facilitate academic discourse about developments and concepts in social policy – in the widest sense of that term – in Switzerland, in other countries, and in international comparison. The journal publishes quantitative, qualitative, and comparative research on social policy, as well as theoretical pieces. In addition to academic articles, the journal can also publish shorter pieces (reviews of significant books and brief research notes). To achieve a high quality in the articles, all submissions will be put through a peer review process.

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Université de Fribourg

Familiale Solidarität und gesellschaftliche Reproduktion

Schultheis, Franz

In:, 2021, vol. 1, no. 1, p. Forum 1.2

Die Familie gilt gemeinhin als eine geradezu archetypische Verkörperung von Solidargemeinschaft. Hierbei sollte jedoch nicht in Vergessenheit geraten, dass die Familie nicht nur ein «Hafen in einer herzlosen Welt» ist, sondern zugleich die Rolle einer zentralen Akteurin der gesellschaftlichen Reproduktion von ungleichen Lebenschancen und gesellschaftlichen Hierarchien spielt. Dieses...

Université de Fribourg

Frühkindliche Bildung und Erziehung zur Solidarität: eine Black Box

Stamm, Margrit

In:, 2021, vol. 1, no. 1, p. Forum 1.1

In die frühkindliche Bildung werden grosse Hoffnungen gesetzt, sie vermöge einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Startchancengleichheit aller Kinder zu leisten. Implizit geht man davon aus, dass dabei Partizipation eine bedeutsame Rolle spielt und daraus solidarisches Handeln erwächst. Obwohl die Corona-Krise die Metapher der praktizierten Solidarität geschaffen hat, gilt es abzuwarten, ob die...

Université de Fribourg

Social life as collective struggle : closure theory and the problem of solidarity

Mackert, Jürgen

In:, 2021, vol. 1, no. 1, p. Article 1.5

In recent years, all over the globe we have seen intensifying economic exploitation, political disenfranchisement, social marginalization and cultural repression in all kinds of political regimes, from liberal democratic to authoritarian and dictatorial. Although the strategies vary with regard to regime and context, in all of them we observe that while a growing number of social groups are...

Université de Fribourg

Discontinuities within continuities : Solidarity, (Im-)Mobility and Migration between Refugee Crisis and COVID-19 Crisis

Odermatt, Eveline

In:, 2021, vol. 1, no. 1, p. Article 1.4

Since the peak of the so-called refugee crisis in 2015, much has been written on the topic of solidarity towards migrants. However, the perspective of migrants on the issue of solidarity and their practices of solidarity has been addressed less. This article aims to outline solidarity in the context of migration in more detail. Firstly, I will outline how solidarity played out towards migrants...

Université de Fribourg

Similarities between European and national solidarity : An empirical thought experiment applied to 13 European countries

Ignácz, Zsófia S.

In:, 2021, vol. 1, no. 1, p. Article 1.3

This paper examines similarities between attitudes towards European redistribution and attitudes towards national redistribution. It maps out possible reasons for expected similarities between the two spatial levels in the degree redistribution is supported and also the underlying mechanisms that foster support rates. To examine the underlying mechanisms, the paper employs a structural...

Université de Fribourg

The experience of solidarity in Poland under communist rule and thereafter

Solska, Magdalena

In:, 2021, vol. 1, no. 1, p. Article 1.2

Although Solidarność was the largest mass movement in the history of after- war Europe, the experience of solidarity during that time in communist Poland has barely been analysed. Drawing on historical accounts of the events in the 1980s and press interviews with Solidarność members, this paper attempts to bridge this gap and identifies key aspects of the experienced solidarity. It...

Université de Fribourg

Unfallrisiko verschiedener Schichtsysteme : Simulation mit dem XIMES-Risikorechner

Arlinghaus, Anna ; Gärtner, Johannes

In:, 2020, vol. 3, no. 1, p. Forum: 3.1

Working time arrangements can affect the risk of injuries and accidents at work. To evaluate the risk associated with common shift schedules, five different schedules were analyzed and compared regarding their inherent accident risks, using the XIMES Risk Calculator. We included fast forward and slow backward rotated shift schedules, 12-hour-shift systems and long daily working hours....

Université de Fribourg

Überstunden, Ausgleichsmöglichkeiten, Gesundheit und Work-Life Balance

Brauner, Corinna ; Wöhrmann, Anne Marit ; Backhaus, Nils ; Brenscheidt, Frank ; Tisch, Anita

In:, 2020, vol. 3, no. 5, p. Article: 3.5

Overtime is widely spread in Germany. Representative data from 7.765 respondents from the BAuA-Working Time Survey 2017 show that employees work an average of 3.9 hours per week longer than contractually agreed, with differences according to gender, full-time work, qualification levels and occupations. More than half of these are transitory overtime hours, which are compensated by free time....

Université de Fribourg

Das Leben ist Synchronisation : Möglichkeiten und Formen sozialer Teilhabe vor dem Hintergrund atypischer Arbeitszeiten

Stadler, Bettina ; Schönauer, Annika ; Arlinghaus, Anna ; Saupe, Bernhard ; Eichmann, Hubert

In:, 2020, vol. 3, no. 4, p. Article: 3.4

The influence of atypical working hours, i.e. long working hours or working hours outside the usual hours, on health and accident risks is well documented. Less well documented is the relationship between atypical working hours and the opportunities for social participation. In this paper we present the results of a qualitative survey on work-time related impairments of social participation...