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Université de Fribourg

The principle of equality in diverse states : reconciling autonomy with equal rights and opportunities

Belser, Eva Maria ; Bächler, Thea ; Egli, Sandra ; Zünd, Lawrence

Leiden : Brill, 2021

(Studies in territorial and cultural diversity governance ; 13)

ISBN: 9789004394612

This book examines different approaches by which states characterised by federal or decentralized arrangements reconcile equality and autonomy. In case studies from four continents, leading experts analyse the challenges of ensuring institutional, social and economic equality whilst respecting the competences of regions and the rights of groups.

Université de Fribourg

Demystifying Artificial Intelligence

Mondal, Manuel ; Lalanne, Denis

(Internal working papers DIUF ; 21-02)

The objective of this document is to provide a non-technical introduction to the field of Artificial Intelligence. It is intended for anyone outside of the data science community curi-ous about the subject, such as researchers from other areas looking for new instruments, legal professionals confronted with automated decision making algorithms or legal tech tools, en-trepreneurs interested in...

Université de Fribourg

How important is civic engagement for public transportation communication?

Asdourian, Bruno ; Zimmerli, Virginie

In: Strategic communication for non-profit organisations, 2016, p. 239-266

The communication between users of digital media and public or non-profit organization involved into an open data policy are represented through a democratic way with upwards and downward flows; implying an evolving participation of citizens and a progressive openness of a company’s database. Under this perspective, various tasks have been employed. The mission of this paper is to define and...

Université de Fribourg

Strategic Plannig in International Aid Organizations

Montani, Maude ; Grünig, Rudolf (Dir.) ; Gmür, Markus (Codir.)

Mémoire de diplôme universitaire : Université de Fribourg, 2012.

The major objective of the thesis is to develop a set of strategic management recommendations that meets the specific needs of aid organizations. Two intermediate objectives will help reach the major objective: - The first intermediate objective is to acquire a better understanding of international aid organizations and of their specific needs in strategic management with the help of a...

Université de Fribourg

Research on the Strategy of Multinational Enterprises : Key Approaches and New Avenues

Dabic, Marina ; González-Loureiro, Miguel ; Furrer, Olivier

In: Business Research Quarterly (BRQ), 2014, vol. 17, p. 129-148

Over decades, research on multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) strategies has been anchored in internalization theory. Strongly grounded in transaction cost economics to explain foreign market entry, it hardly explains how MNEs can build and sustain a competitive advantage. Thus, this paper aims at understanding how the nature of strategic thinking has influenced the research in the field of...

Université de Fribourg

The Impact of Cultural Intelligence on Communication Effectiveness, Job Satisfaction and Anxiety for Chinese Host Country Managers Working for Foreign Multinationals

Bücker, Joost J.L.E. ; Furrer, Olivier ; Poutsma, Erik ; Buyens, Dirk

In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2014, vol. 25, no. 14, p. 2068-2087

Cultural intelligence (CQ) is an important construct attracting growing attention in academic literature and describing cross-cultural competencies. To date, researchers have only partially tested the relationship between CQ and its dependent variables, such as performance. In this study, the relationship between CQ and communication effectiveness and job satisfaction is measured in a sample...

Université de Fribourg

Robust Imitation Strategies

Sudharshan, D. ; Furrer, Olivier ; Arakoni, Ramesh A

In: Managerial and Decision Economics, 2015, vol. 36, p. 139-157

Performance is the lifeblood of a firm’s management. Performance itself depends on the adaptation of strategy based on learning and the environment. An important way that firms adapt their strategy is through imitation or mimetic isomorphism. Imitation implies a referent for such adaptations. This article seeks to determine who or what should serve as that referent. Accordingly, this...

Université de Fribourg

The Customer Experience Ecosystem in Two Cultural Contexts

Barari, Mojtaba ; Furrer, Olivier

In: Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 2018, vol. 23, p. 234-243

This study focuses on the development of a customer experience ecosystem during a journey which is embedded in meso- and macro-layers. Using the critical incident technique, the author collected in-depth interview data from bank customers in Switzerland and Iran to empirically study this ecosystem, including customer– company interaction in the micro-layer and social context of the...