Université de Fribourg

Historical and archaeological analysis of the Church of the Nativity

Bacci, Michele ; Bianchi, Giovanna ; Campana, Stefano ; Fichera, Giuseppe

In: Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2012, vol. 13, p. 5-26

The team has considered the special status of the Basilica of Bethlehem, which is not just a monument of outstanding historic and artistic importance, but also and fundamentally a holy place, that has long been and is still perceived as a memorial site, marking the place of Christ’s birth and transcribing into a sacred topography the main events of the Gospel narratives. Because of such a...

Université de Fribourg

La moltiplicazione dei luoghi sacri lungo le vie d’acqua per Gerusalemme nel tardo Medioevo

Bacci, Michele

In: Peregrino, ruta y meta en las peregrinationes maiores. VIII Congreso internacional de estudios jacobeos (Santiago de Compostela, 13-15 Octubre 2010), 2012, p. 179-194

A description of the sacred topography worked out by late Medieval Holy Land-pilgrims and seafarer along the searoutes between Venice and Palestine. This paper emphasizes the important role played by international voyagers in the selection, promotion and shaping of new holy sites in Dalmatia, Albania, Corfu, Crete, Rhodes, and Cyprus.

Université de Fribourg

Mixed’ Shrines in the Late Byzantine Period

Bacci, Michele

In: Archaeologia Abrahamica. Studies in Archaeology and Artistic Tradition of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, 2009, p. 433-444

On a number of late Medieval holy sites in the Eastern Mediterranean which were simultaneously visited and worshipped by different religious groups, such as Muslims and Christians, or Latins and Greeks. It includes informations about shrines in Anatolia and Cyprus, especially the tomb of Saint Catherine and the Madonna della Cava in Famagusta, and the church of the Holy Virgin at Hagia Napa.

Université de Fribourg

A Sacred Space for a Holy Icon: The Shrine of Our Lady of Saydnaya

Bacci, Michele

In: Hierotopy. Studies in the Making of Sacred Spaces. Material from the International Symposium, 2004, p. 132-134

The monastery of Our Lady of Saydnaya, located 22 km east of Damascus, still proves to be one of the most important cult-centres of present-day Syria; although it is inhabited and controlled by Christian (i.e. Greek Orthodox) nuns, its church, housing a very famous icon of the Virgin Mary, is daily visited also by a great many Muslim worshippers. Its renown dates back to the late 12th century,...

Université de Fribourg

Performed Topographies and Topomimetic Piety. Imaginative Sacred Spaces in Medieval Italy

Bacci, Michele

In: Spatial Icons. Performativity in Byzantium and Medieval Russia, 2011, p. 101-118

Université de Fribourg

Una maniera latina nel Levante tardomedievale?

Bacci, Michele

In: «Conosco un ottimo storico dell’arte…». Per Enrico Castelnuovo. Scritti di allievi e amici pisani, 2012, p. 141-147

About the expansion of Italianate forms in the Eastern Mediterranean during the 14th century.

Université de Fribourg

Il Golgotha come simulacro

Bacci, Michele

In: Synergies in Visual Culture. Bildkulturen im Dialog, 2013, p. 111-122

About the materiality of the rock of Golgotha, its architectural transfiguration in the Crusader period, and its perception as reproducible icon, which happened to be evoked even within the Holy Sepulchre itself, with the setting of the so-called "Second Golgotha" in the Armenian sector from the late 15th century onward

Université de Fribourg

Identity Markers in the Art of Fourteenth-Century Famagusta

Bacci, Michele

In: The Harbour of all this Sea and Realm. Crusader to Venetian Famagusta, 2014, p. 145-158

Université de Fribourg

Sacred Narratives, Holy Objects and the Visionary Experience in Late Medieval Italy : [proceedings of the Symposium held on 13 February, 2011]

Bacci, Michele

In: Images and visions in Christian and Buddhist culture, 2012, p. 85-95

The present paper was presented at the conference "Images and Visions in Christian and Buddhist Cultures" held at the University of Tokyo on February 13, 2011. It explores several aspects of the interaction between images, holy sites and visions in Late Medieval Italy, with a special focus on the impact played by standard iconography on the visionaries' religious imagination

Université de Fribourg

L’individu en tant que prototype dans les ex-voto médiévaux

Bacci, Michele

In: Degrés : revue de synthèse à orientation sémiologique, 2011, vol. 145-146, p. 1-14

On the Medieval use of wax ex-votos as generic substitutes for human bodies and the analogical, and sometimes also mimetic, relationship they established with the individuals voting them.