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Université de Fribourg

Administration fédérale et représentation des communautés linguistiques : Analyse des processus et stratégies de recrutement du personnel : Executive Summary = Bundesverwaltung und Vertretung der Sprachgemeinschaften: Analyse der Personalrekrutierungsprozesse und -strategien

Coray, Renata ; Kobelt, Emilienne ; Zwicky, Roman ; Duchêne, Alexandre ; Kübler, Daniel

Una rappresentanza adeguata delle comunità linguistiche in seno all’Amministrazione federale è considerata, nel discorso politico, come un’espressione importante del plurilinguismo svizzero. A tal fine sono state create delle basi legali e sono state emanate delle direttive. Ci si può pertanto interrogare quanto all’applicazione e agli effetti di tali misure, in situazioni in cui non...

Université de Fribourg

Evolution of a Field : Swiss Media and Communication Studies

Probst, Carole ; Buhmann, Alexander ; Ingenhoff, Diana ; Lepori, Benedetto

In: Studies in Communication Sciences, 2019, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 7-23

In this paper, we present the evolution of Swiss Media and Communication Studies over the last decade by summarizing the main results from a project funded by the Swiss University Conference (2008–2017). We give an overall picture of the growth in the field (in terms of student numbers, resources and activities), look at diversity in terms of topics (two clusters are identified and ...

Université de Fribourg

Parliament Against Government and Industry : How Switzerland Decided to Implement Net Neutrality Against All Odds

Just, Natascha ; Puppis, Manuel

In: International Journal of Communication, 2019, vol. 13, p. 5841-5869

This article investigates the net neutrality policy-making process in Switzerland in the past decade, from first attempts to regulate net neutrality to the implementation of regulation in 2019. Based on a qualitative content analysis, the study assesses the arguments employed by various policy-making actors to advocate or prevent particular governance solutions. Results of the empirical...

Université de Fribourg

The record of Deinotheriidae from the Miocene of the Swiss Jura Mountains (Jura Canton, Switzerland)

Gagliardi, Fanny ; Maridet, Olivier ; Becker, Damien

In: bioRxiv, 2021, p. 244061

The Miocene sands of the Swiss Jura Mountains, long exploited in quarries for the construction industry, have yielded abundant fossil remains of large mammals. Among Deinotheriidae (Proboscidea), two species, Prodeinotherium bavaricum and Deinotherium giganteum, had previously been identified in the Delémont valley, but never described. A third species, Deinotherium levius, from the locality of...

Université de Fribourg

Helvetic Henry? A Swiss adaptation of Henry V, or something near enough

Dutton, Elisabeth

In: Staging History: Essays in Late-Medieval and Humanist Drama, 2021, p. 247-266

This article describes the processes of translation, cutting and rearrangement by which Shakespeare’s Henry V, a play often identified with ‘Britishness’, is adapted for a modern Swiss audience. As a play celebrating a national ‘hero’ and a military history largely unknown to the Swiss, Henry V is adapted to an exploration of political power in the abstract, in particular the...

Université de Fribourg

Legal, illegal … – wer genau? Die Schweizer Asylbewegung und der Streit um das Recht 1973–1992

Pärli, Jonathan

In: Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie, 2019, vol. 39, no. 2, p. 177-203

Der Staat solle sich auch gegenüber Asylsuchenden und Flüchtlingen an das Recht halten, statt Willkür walten zu lassen: so lautete die anfänglich wohl wichtigste Forderung der Asylbewegung, die in der Schweiz in den frühen 1980er-Jahren entstand. Der Text diskutiert die affirmative Beziehung der Asylbewegung zum Recht und bezieht sich dabei auf Jacques Rancières Thesen zum Verhältnis von...

Université de Fribourg

A new species of the large-headed coastal marine turtle Solnhofia (Testudinata, Thalassochelydia) from the Late Jurassic of NW Switzerland

Anquetin, Jérémy ; Püntener, Christian

In: PeerJ, 2020, vol. 8, p. e9931

Background: The large-headed turtle Solnhofia parsonsi is known by a handful of specimens from the Late Jurassic of Germany and Switzerland (maybe also France). Solnhofia parsonsi is traditionally regarded as a “eurysternid” Thalassochelydia, a group of small to medium sized, mostly lagoonal or marginal turtles found almost exclusively in the Late Jurassic of Europe. More recently,...

Université de Fribourg

New material of “Eurysternidae” (Thalassochelydia, Pan-Cryptodira) from the Kimmeridgian of the Swiss Jura Mountains

Püntener, Christian ; Anquetin, Jérémy ; Billon-Bruyat, Jean-Paul

In: Palaeovertebrata, 2020, vol. 43, no. 1, p. e2

The region of Porrentruy (Swiss Jura Mountains) is known for its rich and diverse assemblage of Late Jurassic coastal marine turtles (Thalassochelydia). Dominated by the “Plesiochelyidae”, this assemblage also includes representatives of the two other thalassochelydian groups, the “Thalassemydidae” and “Eurysternidae.” In this study, we present new shell-based material from Porrentruy...

Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

Corporate Cosmopolitanism: Making an Asset of Diversity and Mobility at Swiss International Schools

Bolay, Matthieu ; Rey, Jeanne

In: ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 2020, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 106-130

This article explores the subjective spatial relations that international schools in Switzerland seek to produce within the cosmopolitan enclaves they form. Based on ethnographic fieldwork at 21 international schools in Switzerland, we scrutinize practices related to diversity and mobility, which international schools construe as the main vehicles leading to the desired attributes of...

Université de Fribourg

Langue d’origine et langue de scolarisation : dans quelle mesure les compétences en littéracie sont-elles transférables ? : Une synthèse = Herkunftssprache und Schulsprache: sind Literalitätskompetenzen übertragbar?: Das Wichtigste in Kürze

Lambelet, Amelia ; Berthele, Raphael ; Vanhove, Jan ; Desgrippes, Magalie ; Pestana, Carlos ; Decandio, Fabricio

(Rapports du Centre scientifique de compétence sur le plurilinguisme)

Il progetto Lingue d’origine e lingue di scolarizzazione: in che misura le competenze di literacy sono trasferibili? (HELASCOT) si occupa dello sviluppo linguistico di bambini con retroterra migratorio portoghese in Svizzera. Si concentra principalmente sulla capacità di lettura, comprensione e produzione scritta di tali bambini nella loro lingua d’origine (il portoghese) e nella...