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Université de Fribourg

The lost paleosols: Masked evidence for emergence and soil formation on the Kimmeridgian Jura platform (NW Switzerland)

Waite, Richard ; Marty, Daniel ; Strasser, André ; Wetzel, Andreas

In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2013, vol. 376, p. 73–90

Lagoonal carbonates of Kimmeridgian age in NW Switzerland formed in a tropical epeiric sea and exhibit indicators of subaerial emergence such as tidal biolaminites, desiccation cracks, flat pebble conglomerates, and fenestral structures. Additionally, 30 dinosaur tracksites from at least six stratigraphic intervals indicate repeated formation of land bridges between the platform and adjacent...

Université de Fribourg

Clypeina helvetica Morellet and Morellet, 1918, revisited. A Priabonian (Late Eocene) dasycladalean alga from the Diablerets Nappe of the Helvetic Alps, southwestern Switzerland

Schlagintweit, Felix ; Bover-Arnal, Telm ; Menkveld-Gfeller, Ursula ; Strasser, André

In: Facies, 2013, vol. 58, no. 1, p. 287-297

The dasycladale Clypeina helvetica was described and illustrated with six drawings by Morellet and Morellet (Bull Soc Géol Fr 4o ser 18:102–105, 1918) from the “Bartonian” of the Helvetic Zone of southwestern Switzerland. Since then, C. helvetica has not been reported again neither from Switzerland nor from any other locality. Abundant material sampled from the Priabonian Diablerets Member...

Université de Fribourg

Chronostratigraphy and geochronology: a proposed realignment

Zalasiewicz, Jan ; Cita, Maria Bianca ; Hilgen, Frits ; Pratt, Brian R. ; Strasser, André ; Thierry, Jacques ; Weissert, Helmut

In: GSA Today, 2013, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 4-8

We propose a realignment of the terms geochronology and chronostratigraphy that brings them broadly into line with current use, while simultaneously resolving the debate over whether the Geological Time Scale should have a “single” or “dual” hierarchy of units: Both parallel sets of units are retained, although there remains the option to adopt either a single (i.e., geochronological) or...

Université de Fribourg

Formation and taphonomy of human footprints in microbial mats of present-day tidal-flat environments: implications for the study of fossil footprints

Marty, Daniel ; Strasser, André ; Meyer, Christian A.

In: Ichnos, 2009, vol. 16, no. 1-2, p. 127 - 142

his study concerns the formation, taphonomy, and preservation of human footprints in microbial mats of present-day tidal-flat environments. Due to differences in water content and nature of the microbial mats and the underlying sediment, a wide range of footprint morphologies was produced by the same trackmaker. Most true tracks are subjected to modification due to taphonomic processes, leading...

Université de Fribourg

Towards the standardization of sequence stratigraphy

Catuneanu, O. ; Abreu, V. ; Bhattacharya, J.P. ; Blum, M.D. ; Dalrymple, R.W. ; Eriksson, P.G. ; Fielding, C.R. ; Fisher, W.L. ; Galloway, W.E. ; Gibling, M.R. ; Giles, K.A. ; Holbrook, J.M. ; Jordan, R. ; Kendall, C.G.St.C. ; Macurda, B. ; Martinsen, O.J. ; Miall, A.D. ; Neal, J.E. ; Nummedal, D. ; Pomar, L. ; Posamentier, H.W. ; Pratt, B.R. ; Sarg, J.F. ; Shanley, K.W. ; Steel, R.J. ; Strasser, André ; Tucker, M.E. ; Winker, C.

In: Earth-Science Reviews, 2009, vol. 92, no. 1-2, p. 1-33

Sequence stratigraphy emphasizes facies relationships and stratal architecture within a chronological framework. Despite its wide use, sequence stratigraphy has yet to be included in any stratigraphic code or guide. This lack of standardization reflects the existence of competing approaches (or models) and confusing or even conflicting terminology. Standardization of sequence stratigraphy...

Université de Fribourg

The paleoecological significance of nerineoid mass accumulations from the Kimmeridgian of the Swiss Jura Mountains

Waite, Richard ; Wetzel, Andreas ; Meyer, Christian A. ; Strasser, André

In: Palaios, 2008, vol. 23, no. 8, p. 548-558

The Kimmeridgian shallow-water carbonates of the Swiss Jura Mountains display stratigraphic levels containing mass accumulations of nerineoidean gastropods. The macro- and microfacies of the rocks with these nerineoidean assemblages suggest that their occurrence was related to water depth, physical energy within the habitat, sedimentation rate, substrate stability, and food supply. Typical...

Université de Fribourg

Cyclostratigraphy - concepts, definitions, and applications

Strasser, André ; Hilgen, Frederik J. ; Heckel, Philip H.

In: Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 2006, vol. 42, no. 2, p. 75-114

Cyclostratigraphy is the subdiscipline of stratigraphy that deals with the identification, characterization, correlation, and interpretation of cyclic variations in the stratigraphic record and, in particular, with their application in geochronology by improving the accuracy and resolution of time-stratigraphic frameworks. As such it uses astronomical cycles of known periodicities to date and...

Université de Fribourg

The Aptian, Albian and Cenomanian of Roter Sattel, Romandes Prealps, Switzerland: a high-resolution record of oceanographic changes

Strasser, André ; Caron, Michèle ; Gjermeni, Maksim

In: Cretaceous Research, 2001, vol. 22 (2), p. 173

The Aptian–Lower Turonian hemipelagic sediments of Roter Sattel in the Swiss Prealps are well dated by planktonic foraminifera. Stacking pattern of the limestone-marl alternations and facies evolution allow the identification of sequence boundaries, transgressive surfaces, and maximum-flooding events or condensed sections on at least two hierarchical levels. Calibrated by a precise...

Université de Fribourg

The stratigraphic architecture and evolution of the Burdigalian carbonate—siliciclastic sedimentary systems of the Mut Basin, Turkey

Bassant, P. ; Buchem, F.S.P. van ; Strasser, André ; Görür, N.

In: Sedimentary Geology, 2005, vol. 1-4(3), p. 187

This study describes the coeval development of the depositional environments in three areas across the Mut Basin (Southern Turkey) throughout the Late Burdigalian (early Miocene). Antecedent topography and rapid high-amplitude sea-level change are the main controlling factors on stratigraphic architecture and sediment type. Stratigraphic evidence is observed for two high-amplitude (100–150 m)...