Université de Fribourg

The Regge symmetry, confocal conics, and the Schläfli formula

Akopyan, Arseniy ; Izmestiev, Ivan

In: Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 2019, p. blms.12276

The Regge symmetry is a set of remarkable relations between two tetrahedra whose edge lengths are related in a simple fashion. It was first discovered as a consequence of an asymptotic formula in mathematical physics. Here, we give a simple geometric proof of Regge symmetries in Euclidean, spherical, and hyperbolic geometry.

Université de Fribourg

Simplicial moves on balanced complexes

Izmestiev, Ivan ; Klee, Steven ; Novik, Isabella

In: Advances in Mathematics, 2017, vol. 320, no. Supplement C, p. 82–114

We introduce a notion of cross-flips: local moves that transform a balanced (i.e., properly (d+1)-colored) triangulation of a combinatorial d-manifold into another balanced triangulation. These moves form a natural analog of bistellar flips (also known as Pachner moves). Specifically, we establish the following theorem: any two balanced triangulations of a closed combinatorial d-manifold can...

Université de Fribourg

Iterating evolutes and involutes

Arnold, Maxim ; Fuchs, Dmitry ; Izmestiev, Ivan ; Tabachnikov, Serge ; Tsukerman, Emmanuel

In: Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2017, vol. 58, no. 1, p. 80–143

This paper concerns iterations of two classical geometric constructions, the evolutes and involutes of plane curves, and their discretizations: evolutes and involutes of plane polygons. In the continuous case, our main result is that the iterated involutes of closed locally convex curves with rotation number one (possibly, with cusps) converge to their curvature centers (Steiner points), and...

Université de Fribourg

Shapes of polyhedra, mixed volumes and hyperbolic geometry

Fillastre, François ; Izmestiev, Ivan

In: Mathematika, 2017, vol. 63, no. 1, p. 124–183

We generalize to higher dimensions the Bavard–Ghys construction of the hyperbolic metric on the space of polygons with fixed directions of edges. The space of convex d -dimensional polyhedra with fixed directions of facet normals has a decomposition into type cones that correspond to different combinatorial types of polyhedra. This decomposition is a subfan of the secondary fan of a vector...

Université de Fribourg

Classification of flexible Kokotsakis polyhedra with quadrangular base

Izmestiev, Ivan

In: International Mathematics Research Notices, 2017, vol. 2017, no. 3, p. 715–808

A Kokotsakis polyhedron with quadrangular base is a neighborhood of a quadrilateral in a quad surface. Generically, a Kokotsakis polyhedron is rigid. In this article we classify flexible Kokotsakis polyhedra with quadrangular bases. The analysis is based on the fact that any pair of adjacent dihedral angles of a Kokotsakis polyhedron is related by a biquadratic equation. This results in a diagram...

Université de Fribourg

Hyperbolization of cusps with convex boundary

Fillastre, François ; Izmestiev, Ivan ; Veronelli, Giona

In: Manuscripta Mathematica, 2016, vol. 150, no. 3–4, p. 475–492

We prove that for every metric on the torus with curvature bounded from below by −1 in the sense of Alexandrov there exists a hyperbolic cusp with convex boundary such that the induced metric on the boundary is the given metric. The proof is by polyhedral approximation. This was the last open case of a general theorem: every metric with curvature bounded from below on a compact surface is...

Université de Fribourg

A simple proof of an isoperimetric inequality for Euclidean and hyperbolic cone-surfaces

Izmestiev, Ivan

In: Differential Geometry and its Applications, 2015, vol. 43, p. 95–101

We prove that the isoperimetric inequalities in the Euclidean and hyperbolic plane hold for all Euclidean, respectively hyperbolic, cone-metrics on a disk with singularities of negative curvature. This is a discrete analog of the theorems of Weil and Bol that deal with Riemannian metrics of curvature bounded from above by 0, respectively by −1. A stronger discrete version was proved by A.D....