Ergebnisse einschränken





Université de Fribourg

Evaluation of the potential of cobalamin derivatives bearing ru(ii) polypyridyl complexes as photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy

Jakubaszek, Marta ; Rossier, Jeremie ; Karges, Johannes ; Delasoie, Joachim ; Goud, Bruno ; Gasser, Gilles ; Zobi, Fabio

In: Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2019, vol. 102, no. 7, p. -

The current photosensitizers (PSs) for photodynamic therapy (PDT) lack selectivity for cancer cells. To tackle this drawback, in view of selective cancer delivery, we envisioned conjugating two ruthenium polypyridyl complexes to vitamin B12 (Cobalamin, Cbl) to take advantage of the solubility and active uptake of the latter. Ultimately, our results showed that the transcobalamin pathway is...

Université de Fribourg

Visible light-activated photoCORMs

Kottelat, Emmanuel ; Zobi, Fabio

In: Inorganics, 2017, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 24

Despite its well-known toxicity, carbon monoxide (CO) is now recognized as a potential therapeutic agent. Its inherent toxicity, however, has limited clinical applications because uncontrolled inhalation of the gas leads to severe systemic derangements in higher organisms. In order to obviate life-threatening effects and administer the gas by bypassing the respiratory system, CO releasing...

Université de Fribourg

Correlation of MLCTs of Group 7 fac-[M(CO)3]+ complexes (M = Mn, Re) with bipyridine, pyridinylpyrazine, azopyridine, and pyridin-2-ylmethanimine type ligands for rational photoCORM design

Kottelat, Emmanuel ; Lucarini, Fiorella ; Crochet, Aurélien ; Ruggi, Albert ; Zobi, Fabio

In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, vol. 2019, no. 33, p. 3758–3768

A mathematical correlation of the MLCT absorption maxima of structurally related fac‐ [M(CO)3L2Br] complexes (M = Mn, Re; L2 = bidentate ligand) is obtained by the comparison of a total of 50 species bearing bipyridine, pyridinylpyrazine, azopyridine and pyridin‐2‐ylmethanimine L2 type ligands. The empirical relationship is first derived by the initial comparison of the MLCT absorption...

Université de Fribourg

Red-light activated photoCORMs of Mn(I) species bearing electron deficient 2,2′-azopyridines

Kottelat, Emmanuel ; Ruggi, Albert ; Zobi, Fabio

In: Dalton Transactions, 2016, vol. 45, no. 16, p. 6920–6927

The realization of CO releasing molecules triggered by light (photoCORMs) within the phototherapeutic window (λ > 600 nm) constitutes an important goal for potential therapeutic applications of the molecules. The activation of photoCORMs with red/NIR light would enable exploiting the higher depth of penetration of this radiation with respect to higher energy photons. In this article we...

Université de Fribourg

Towards cardiolite-inspired carbon monoxide releasing molecules – Reactivity of d4, d5 rhenium and d6 manganese carb­onyl complexes with isocyanide ligands

Kottelat, Emmanuel ; Chabert, Valentin ; Crochet, Aurélien ; Fromm, Katharina M. ; Zobi, Fabio

In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015, vol. 2015, no. 34, p. 5628–5638

Carbon monoxide releasing molecules (CORMs) are investigated widely in synthetic and medicinal chemistry owing to the potential therapeutic applications of the CO gas. Organometallic carbonyl complexes are best suited to play the role of CO carriers as they allow the exogenous release of CO under controlled conditions, and the toxicity of the gas can be overcome. With the long-term goal of...

Université de Fribourg

Heptacoordinate Coii complex: a new architecture for photochemical hydrogen production

Lucarini, Fiorella ; Pastore, Mariachiara ; Vasylevskyi, Serhii ; Varisco, Massimo ; Solari, Euro ; Crochet, Aurélien ; Fromm, Katharina M. ; Zobi, Fabio ; Ruggi, Albert

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 28, p. 6768-6771

The first heptacoordinate cobalt catalyst for light-driven hydrogen production in water has been synthesized and characterized. Photochemical experiments using [Ru(bpy)₃]²⁺ as photosensitizer gave a turnover number (TON) of 16300 mol H₂ (mol cat.)⁻¹ achieved in 2 hours of irradiation with visible (475 nm) light. This promising result provides a path forward in the...

Université de Fribourg

Resonance raman optical activity shows unusual structural sensitivity for systems in resonance with multiple excited states: vitamin B12 case

Machalska, Ewa ; Zajac, Grzegorz ; Gruca, Anna ; Zobi, Fabio ; Baranska, Malgorzata ; Kaczor, Agnieszka

In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020, vol. 11, no. 13, p. 5037–5043

In this work, cobalamins with different upper axial substituents and a cobalamin derivative with a ring modification were studied using chiroptical spectroscopies, in particular resonance Raman optical activity (RROA), to shed light on the influence of structural modifications on RROA spectra in these strongly chiral systems in resonance with multiple excited states at 532 nm excitation. We...

Université de Fribourg

Correlation of surface pressure and hue of planarizable push-pull chromophores at the air/water interface

Neuhaus, Frederik ; Zobi, Fabio ; Brezesinski, Gerald ; Molin, Marta Dal ; Matile, Stefan ; Zumbuehl, Andreas

In: Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 1099–1105

It is currently not possible to directly measure the lateral pressure of a biomembrane. Mechanoresponsive fluorescent probes are an elegant solution to this problem but it requires first the establishment of a direct correlation between the membrane surface pressure and the induced color change of the probe. Here, we analyze planarizable dithienothiophene push–pull probes in a monolayer at...

Université de Fribourg

Modified biovectors for the tuneable activation of anti-platelet carbon monoxide release

Prieto, Lucas ; Rossier, Jeremie ; Derszniak, Katarzyna ; Dybas, Jakub ; Oetterli, René M. ; Kottelat, Emmanuel ; Chlopicki, Stefan ; Zelder, Felix ; Zobi, Fabio

In: Chemical Communications, 2017, vol. 53, no. 51, p. 6840–6843

This communication describes the anti-platelet effects of a new class of cis-rhenium(II)- dicarbonyl-vitamin B12 complexes (B12-ReCORMs) with tuneable CO releasing properties.

Université de Fribourg

Three-dimensional mid-infrared tomographic imaging of endogenous and exogenous molecules in a single intact cell with subcellular resolution

Quaroni, Luca ; Obst, Martin ; Nowak, Marcus ; Zobi, Fabio

In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, p. -

Microscopy in the mid-infrared spectral range provides detailed chemical information on a sample at moderate spatial resolution and is being used increasingly in the characterization of biological entities as challenging as single cells. However, a conventional cellular 2D imaging measurement is limited in its ability to associate specific compositional information to subcellular structures...