Université de Fribourg

Participation and Sharing, or Peaceful Co-Existence? Visions of Integration among Muslims in Switzerland

Nollert, Michael ; Sheikhzadegan, Amir

In: Cogitatio, 2016, p. 95-106

At least three traditions in sociological thought address the question of social inclusion. In the systems theory proposed by Luhmann, inclusion means that individuals are able to adapt and gain access to functional subsystems, such as the labor market or the welfare state. In the tradition of Simmel, social inclusion is seen as an outcome of “cross-cutting social circles”. Both...

Université de Fribourg

Kämpfen für die Sache Allahs : Zur Genese dschihadistischer Identitäten

Sheikhzadegan, Amir

In: sozialpolitik.ch, 2020, vol. 1, no. 4, p. Article: 1.4

Trotz der beachtlichen Menge und Vielfalt der Studien über dschihadistische Identitäten weist der Forschungsstand zurzeit einen fragmentierten Zustand auf, weshalb die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse nur unzureichend zu einer Vertiefung unseres Verständnisses dieses Phänomens beitragen. Eine solche Konvergenz bedarf als erstes einer Systematisierung der bestehenden Ansätze und Studien. Der...

Université de Fribourg

A social revolution in the name of a religion? : The Islamic Revolution of 1978/79 in Iran

Sheikhzadegan, Amir

In: sozialpolitik.ch, 2018, vol. 1, no. 1, p. Article: 1.6

The year 1979 witnessed an event that was to impact the world for decades to come. The Western-friendly monarchic regime of Iran that had pushed through a rapid modernization program by leaning on a repressive security apparatus was toppled by a nationwide protest movement and replaced by an Islamist regime. This study delivers, from a historical sociological perspective, an analysis of the major...