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Université de Fribourg

The faster, the better? Relationships between run-up speed, the degree of difficulty (D-score), height and length of flight on vault in artistic gymnastics

Schärer, Christoph ; Lehmann, Thomas ; Naundorf, Falk ; Taube, Wolfgang ; Hübner, Klaus

In: PLOS ONE, 2019, vol. 14, no. 3, p. e0213310

On vault in artistic gymnastics, a high run-up speed is thought to be important when performing difficult vaults. To test this assumption in a large cohort of elite athletes, we calculated the correlations between the run-up speed, scores, height and length of flight for handspring-, Tsukahara- and Yurchenko-style vaults and compared the performances of male and female elite and junior...

Université de Fribourg

Changes in balance coordination and transfer to an unlearned balance task after slackline training: a self-organizing map analysis

Serrien, Ben ; Hohenauer, Erich ; Clijsen, Ron ; Taube, Wolfgang ; Baeyens, Jean-Pierre ; Küng, Ursula

In: Experimental Brain Research, 2017, vol. 235, no. 11, p. 3427–3436

How humans maintain balance and change postural control due to age, injury, immobility or training is one of the basic questions in motor control. One of the problems in understanding postural control is the large set of degrees of freedom in the human motor system. Therefore, a self-organizing map (SOM), a type of artificial neural network, was used in the present study to extract and...

Université de Fribourg

Effects of age on the soccer-specific cognitive-motor performance of elite young soccer players: Comparison between objective measurements and coaches’ evaluation

Hicheur, Halim ; Chauvin, Alan ; Chassot, Steve ; Chenevière, Xavier ; Taube, Wolfgang

In: PLOS ONE, 2017, vol. 12, no. 9, p. e0185460

The cognitive-motor performance (CMP), defined here as the capacity to rapidly use sensory information and transfer it into efficient motor output, represents a major contributor to performance in almost all sports, including soccer. Here, we used a high-technology system (COGNIFOOT) which combines a visual environment simulator fully synchronized with a motion capture system. This system...