Université de Fribourg

Dynamics in debris-flow activity on a forested cone — A case study using different dendroecological approaches

Bollschweiler, Michelle ; Stoffel, Markus ; Schneuwly, Dominique M.

In: Catena, 2008, vol. 72, no. 1, p. 67-78

Dendrogeomorphological analyses of trees affected by debris flows have regularly been used to date past events. However, this method has always been limited to forested cones where trees registered the impact of previous events. The minimum age dating of trees growing in the debris deposits can, in contrast, provide information on the latest possible moment of past activity. In this paper, we...

Université de Fribourg

Differentiating past events on a cone influenced by debris-flow and snow avalanche activity - a dendrogeomorphological approach

Stoffel, Markus ; Bollschweiler, Michelle ; Hassler, Gion-Reto

In: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2006, vol. 31, no. 11, p. 1424 - 1437

Dendrogeomorphology was used to investigate past events on a cone affected by both debris flows and snow avalanches. We report on results of 520 cores from 251 injured Larix decidua Mill. and Picea abies (L.) Karst. trees sampled on the Birchbach cone (Swiss Alps). Detailed analysis of tree-ring sequences allowed dating of 561 growth disturbances in individual trees for a 252 yr...

Université de Fribourg

400 years of debris flow activity and triggering weather conditions: Ritigraben VS, Switzerland

Stoffel, Markus ; Lièvre, Igor ; Conus, Delphine ; Grichting, Michael A. ; Raetzo, Hugo ; Gärtner, Holger W. ; Monbaron, Michel

In: Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research, 2005, vol. 37(3), p. 387-395

Three major rainfall events have caused considerable damage in the Valais region (Swiss Alps) since 1987. While important debris flows originating from periglacial environments were recorded during the August 1987 and September 1993 rainfall events, no debris flows occurred in October 2000. This paper aims at putting these large area events and the apparent increase in debris flow frequency into...