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Università della Svizzera italiana

Constrained nonparametric dependence with application in finance

Gagliardini, Patrick ; Barone-Adesi, Giovanni (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2003 ; 2003ECO002.

The developments of financial theory in the last decades have shown that one of the most fundamental topics in Finance is the specification of dependence between different risk variables. Empirical evidence on financial time series (such as returns, interest rates, or exchange rates) as well as recent developments in risk management (such as the analysis of dependence between default risks of...

Université de Fribourg

Tracing the decision maker

Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Michael ; Huber, Oswald (Dir.) ; Kühberger, Anton (Codir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 2005.

This thesis focuses on two themes: a methodological and a decision making one. The methodological part introduces the development of a computerized information search tool. The program, called WebDiP (Web Decision Processes), enables the researcher to track participants while they are searching for information in a database. An experiment can be done either in the laboratory or on the Web. The...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Nuove prospettive di marketing urbano : costruire strategie in rete = New perspectives of urban marketing : building network strategies

Chiapparino, Claudio ; Fiocca, Renato (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2004 ; 2004COM003.

Le nuove prospettive di marketing urbano invitano a costruire strategie di rete per migliorare l’attrattività delle città. La multidimensionalità del valore urbano non può essere rappresentato da ricerche quantitative isolate. Così questa ricerca, applicata al caso dell’area luganese, utilizza un fattore qualitativo imprescindibile del valore urbano: l’analisi della percezione degli...

Université de Fribourg

"Qu'avez-vous fait de l'argent des juifs ?" : problématisation et publicisation de la question "des fonds juifs et de l'or nazi" par la presse suisse, 1995-1998

Terzi, Cédric ; Widmer, Jean (Dir.) ; Quéré, Louis (Codir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 2005.

Prenant appui sur un large corpus d'articles de presse, de discours politiques, d'enquêtes historiques et de témoignages, cette thèse étudie l'émergence, le développement et le dénouement de la controverse dite «des fonds juifs et de l'or nazi» qui a animé l'espace public suisse entre 1995 et 1998. L'enquête commence par retracer comment, plus de cinquante ans après les faits, le...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Hedging and risk measurement for option portfolios

Fierli, Francesco ; Barone-Adesi, Giovanni (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2004 ; 2004ECO005.

In the first part of this work we address the problem of parameter misspecification in a generic class of stochastic volatility models. We extend the approach proposed by Avellaneda, Levy and Paràs (1995) (hereafter ALP) by moving from a framework with uncertain volatility to the uncertainty on volatility process parameters. We assume that parameter values of the stochastic volatility model are...

Université de Fribourg

The high-resolution stratigraphic architecture and evolution of the Burdigalian carbonate-siliciclastic sedimentary systems of the Mut Basin, Turkey

Bassant, Philip ; Strasser, Andreas (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 1999 ; no 1256.

The factors influencing the production and deposition of carbonate sediments are known. These are namely accommodation variations (eustasy and tectonics), siliciclastic sediment input, environmental changes (temperature, salinity, trophic level), nature of the producing ecologies, and the hydrodynamic regime. However, the manner in which these factors integrate through time to produce the...

Université de Fribourg

Paléoécologie et paléoclimats de la molasse du Jura (oligo-miocène) : apport des Rhinocerotoidea (Mammalia) et des minéraux argileux

Becker, Damien ; Berger, Jean-Pierre (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 2003 ; no 1416.

La partie distale du Bassin molassique, classique bassin d’avant-pays, constitue le lieu de préservation de la Molasse du Jura. Cette série sédimentaire a pu recouvrir durant l’Oligo-Miocène une grande partie de la chaîne du Jura actuelle. Aujourd’hui on ne la retrouve que sporadiquement piégée dans les vallées synclinales ou préservée dans des remplissages karstiques. La litho-...

Université de Fribourg

Evidences of winter ascending air circulation throughout talus slopes and rock glaciers situated in the lower belt of alpine discontinuous permafrost (Swiss Alps)

Delaloye, Reynald ; Lambiel, Christophe

In: Norwegian Journal of Geography

The winter ascending circulation of air throughout an accumulation of coarse slope sediments (the so-called chimney effect) facilitates the cooling of the ground and even the occurrence of permafrost in the lower part of a deposit. Simultaneously, any freezing is unlikely to occur in the upper part. The chimney effect has been reported to date mainly for cold and sometimes perennially frozen...