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Université de Fribourg

The predictive qualities of operator characteristics for process control performance : the influence of personality and cognitive variables

Burkolter, Dina ; Kluge, Annette ; Sauer, Jürgen ; Ritzmann, Sandrina

In: Ergonomics, 2009, vol. 52, no. 3, p. 302-311

This article examines the relationship between operator characteristics and process control performance. The findings suggest that consideration of cognitive ability and cognitive flexibility be increased in personnel selection for complex work environments.

Université de Fribourg

The effects of heuristic rule training on operator performance in a simulated process control environment

Sauer, Jürgen ; Burkolter, Dina ; Kluge, Annette ; Ritzmann, Sandrina ; Schüler, Kerstin

In: Ergonomics, 2008, vol. 51, no. 7, p. 953-967

In complex work environments, the occurrence of novel system states represents a particular challenge for the design of training. This article is concerned with the use of heuristic rules to prepare operators for the management of unfamiliar fault states. An experiment was carried out to examine the effects of heuristic rule training on operator performance and system management behaviour.