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    Université de Fribourg

    Spatio-temporal variations of rockfall activity into forests results from tree-ring and tree analysis

    Stoffel, Markus ; Monbaron, Michel (Dir.) ; Kienholz, Hans (Codir.) ; Strunk, Horst (Codir.) ; Raetzo, Hugo (Codir.)

    Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 2005 ; Nr. 1480.

    Rockfall represents one of the most common geomorphological processes in mountain regions and has extensively been studied in the past. Nonetheless, detailed data on frequencies (how often), volumes (how large), spatial distributions (where) or the seasonality (when) of rockfall activity remain scarce and most of the time fragmentary. Similarly, tree-ring analysis has only exceptionally been used...

    Université de Fribourg

    Instabilité de terrain dans les Préalpes fribourgeoises (Suisse) au cours du Tardiglaciaire et de l'Holocène : influence des changements climatiques, des fluctuations de la végétation et de l'activité humaine

    Dapples, Florence ; Caron, Christian (Dir.) ; Raetzo, Hugo (Codir.) ; Kienholz, Hans (Codir.) ; Strasser, Andreas (Codir.)

    Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 2002 ; no 1395.

    Slope instabilities such as mudflows, debris flows or landslides have lately raised much concern in Switzerland, since various major events have occurred during the last decade, resulting in major landscape disturbances, as well as costly damage to infrastructure. This demonstrated the necessity to better understand the causes and dynamics of such processes. This research work aims at defining...