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Université de Fribourg

Intrinsic connections of the macaque monkey hippocampal formation: II. CA3 connections

Kondo, Hideki ; Lavenex, Pierre ; Amaral, David G.

In: The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2009, vol. 515, no. 3, p. 349 - 377

We examined the topographic organization of the connections of the CA3 field of the macaque monkey hippocampus. Discrete anterograde and retrograde tracer injections were made at various positions within CA3 and CA1. The projections from CA3 to CA1 (Schaffer collaterals), which terminate in the strata radiatum, pyramidale, and oriens, are present throughout the entire transverse extent of CA1....

Université de Fribourg

Intrinsic connections of the macaque monkey hippocampal formation: I. Dentate gyrus

Kondo, Hideki ; Lavenex, Pierre ; Amaral, David G.

In: The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2008, vol. 511, no. 4, p. 497 - 520

We have carried out a detailed analysis of the intrinsic connectivity of the Macaca fascicularis monkey hippocampal formation. Here we report findings on the topographical organization of the major connections of the dentate gyrus. Localized anterograde tracer injections were made at various rostrocaudal levels of the dentate gyrus, and we investigated the three-dimensional organization of the...