Université de Fribourg

Téléphone et coordination des soins intensifs à l’hôpital

Vaucher, Carla ; González Martínez, Esther

In: La revue de l'infirmière, 2015, no. 208, p. 38-39

Telephone and coordination of intensive care in hospital. The telephone is a central tool for the coordination of care in hospitals between the general wards and intensive care. Calls are short and frequent. They concern a wide variety of issues handled in parallel with other activities. This research, carried out by a Swiss team, examines the practices of telephone communication in...

Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

L’évaluation externe des acquis des élèves, un "mal nécessaire" pour les enseignants = External testing, a "necessary evil" for the teachers

Yerly, Gonzague

In: Revista de Sociología de la Educación, 2017, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 502-518

This article proposes an analysis of the perceptions of teachers regarding a system of external testing of pupils’ achievements in primary schooling in the canton of Fribourg in Switzerland. In this context, different types of external tests (reference test in 4th and 6th grade; selection test in 8th grade) must allow teachers to adjust their teaching practices. A mixed research approach...

Université de Fribourg

La langue partenaire : Régimes politico-linguistiques, conceptualisations et conséquences linguistiques

Berthele, Raphael

In: Cohabitation des langues et politique linguistique. La notion de "langue partenaire".

Dans cette contribution, le concept très métaphorique de « langue partenaire » est analysé, de manière assez critique, au regard du principe de territorialité des langues et du multilinguisme institutionnel, deux régimes politico-linguistiques qui cohabitent dans la Confédération helvétique. Les enjeux d’un partenariat entre langues, au niveau des institutions mais également des...

Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

Comprendre la durabilité et la multifonctionnalité à l’exemple de la forêt (essai) = Understanding sustainability and multifunctionality through the forest (essai)

Locatelli, Gloria ; Pellaud, Francine

In: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 2013, vol. 164, no. 8, p. 232-235

“Learn from yesterday, act today, think of tomorrow.”. For a long time now forest management in Switzerland has been based on the concept of sustainability. Nevertheless, not all forest visitors see things in the same way as foresters. Often the foresters’ work is criticized because the meaning and goals of forest interventions are not well understood and consequently not accepted by the...