Université de Fribourg

Adaptive thermogenesis and uncoupling proteins: a reappraisal of their roles in fat metabolism and energy balance

Dulloo, Abdul G. ; Seydoux, Josiane ; Jacquet, Jean

In: Physiology & Behavior, 2004, vol. 83, no. 4, p. 587-602

After decades of controversies about the quantitative importance of autoregulatory adjustments in energy expenditure in weight regulation, there is now increasing recognition that even subtle variations in thermogenesis could, in dynamic systems and over the long term, be important in determining weight maintenance in some and obesity in others. The main challenge nowadays is to provide a...

Université de Fribourg

Translational issues in targeting brown adipose tissue thermogenesis for human obesity management

Dulloo, Abdul G.

In: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2013, vol. 1302, no. 1, p. 1–10

The recent advancements in unraveling novel mechanisms that control the induction, (trans)differentiation, proliferation, and thermogenic activity and capacity of brown adipose tissue (BAT), together with the application of imaging techniques for human BAT visualization, have generated optimism that these advances will provide novel strategies for targeting BAT thermogenesis, leading to...

Université de Fribourg

Thrifty energy metabolism in catch-up growth trajectories to insulin and leptin resistance

Dulloo, Abdul G.

In: Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2008, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 155-171

Catch-up growth early in life (after fetal, neonatal or infantile growth retardation) is a major risk factor for later obesity, type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. These risks are generally interpreted alongside teleological arguments that environmental exposures which hinder growth early in life lead to programming of ‘thrifty mechanisms’ that are adaptive during the period of...

Université de Fribourg

Thrifty metabolism that favors fat storage after caloric restriction: a role for skeletal muscle phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase activity and AMP-activated protein kinase

Summermatter, Serge ; Mainieri, Davide ; Russell, A. P. ; Seydoux, Josiane ; Montani, Jean-Pierre ; Buchala, Anthony J. ; Solinas, Giovanni ; Dulloo, Abdul G.

In: Faseb Journal, 2008, vol. 22, p. 774-785

Energy conservation directed at accelerating body fat recovery (or catch-up fat) contributes to obesity relapse after slimming and to excess fat gain during catch-up growth after malnutrition. To investigate the mechanisms underlying such thrifty metabolism for catch-up fat, we tested whether during refeeding after caloric restriction rats exhibiting catch-up fat driven by suppressed...