Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne

East fleet - small mouth

Cox, B. M.

In: Geological conservation review: British Upper Jurassic Stratigraphy, 2001, vol. 21, p. [4] p.

Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne

Estimating dinosaur maximum running speeds using evolutionary robotics

Sellers, William Irvin ; Manning, Phillip Lars

In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 2007, vol. 274, p. 2711-2716

Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne

The origin of modern crocodyliforms : new evidence from the Cretaceous of Australia

Salisbury, Steven W.

In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 2006, vol. 273, p. 2439-2448