Collections Fribourg

Collection fribourgeoise
La collection fribourgeoise rassemble plusieurs collections particulières qui sont décrites sous des rubriques spécifiques, comme les journaux fribourgeois ou les ouvrages de références fribourgeois. Elle contient également des versions numériques de documents possédés par la BCU Fribourg qui font partie du patrimoine fribourgeois.

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Université de Fribourg

Instrument-based estimation with binarized treatments : issues and tests for the exclusion restriction

Andresen, Martin Eckhoff ; Huber, Martin

(Working Papers SES ; 492)

When estimating local average and marginal treatment effects using instrumental variables (IV), multivalued endogenous treatments are frequently binarized based on a specific threshold in treatment support. However, such binarization introduces a violation of the IV exclusion if (i) the IV affects the multivalued treatment within support areas below and/or above the threshold and (ii) such...

Université de Fribourg

The causalweight package for causal inference in R

Bodory, Hugo ; Huber, Martin

(Working Papers SES ; 493)

We describe R package “causalweight” for causal inference based on inverse probability weighting (IPW). The “causalweight” package offers a range of semiparametric methods for treatment or impact evaluation and mediation analysis, which incorporates intermediate outcomes for investigating causal mechanisms. Depending on the method, identification relies on selection on observables ...

Université de Fribourg

The finite sample performance of inference methods for propensity score matching and weighting estimators

Bodory, Hugo ; Huber, Martin ; Camponovo, Lorenzo ; Lechner, Michael

(Working Papers SES ; 466)

This paper investigates the finite sample properties of a range of inference methods for propensity score-based matching and weighting estimators frequently applied to evaluate the average treatment effect on the treated. We analyse both asymptotic approximations and bootstrap methods for computing variances and confidence intervals in our simulation design, which is based on large scale labor...

Université de Fribourg

Testing the validity of the compulsory schooling law instrument

Bolzern, Benjamin ; Huber, Martin

(Working Papers SES ; 480)

Changes in compulsory schooling laws have been proposed as an instrument for the endogenous choice of schooling. It has been argued that raising minimum schooling exogenously increases the educational attainment of a subset of pupils without directly affecting later life outcomes such as income or health. Using the method of Huber and Mellace (2015) and data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and...

Université de Fribourg

Combining experimental evidence with machine learning to assess anti-corruption educational campaigns among Russian university students

Denisova-Schmidt, Elena ; Huber, Martin ; Leontyeva, Elvira ; Solovyeva, Anna

(Working Papers SES ; 487)

This paper examines how anti-corruption educational campaigns affect the attitudes of Russian university students towards corruption and academic integrity. About 2,000 survey participants were randomly assigned to one of four different information materials (brochures or videos) about the negative consequences of corruption or to a control group. Using machine learning to detect effect...

Université de Fribourg

On the development of students’ attitudes towards corruption and cheating in Russian universities

Denisova-Schmidt, Elena ; Huber, Martin ; Leontyeva, Elvira

(Working Papers SES ; 467)

Based on empirical data from selected public universities in Khabarovsk, Russia, this paper compares first and fifth year students regarding their attitudes towards corruption in general and university corruption in particular. Even after making both groups of students comparable with respect to a range of socio-economic characteristics by a matching approach, the results suggest that fifth year...

Université de Fribourg

The effects of anti-corruption videos on attitudes towards corruption in a Ukrainian online survey

Denisova-Schmidt, Elena ; Huber, Martin ; Prytula, Yaroslav

(Working Papers SES ; 499)

This paper presents the outcomes of an anti-corruption educational intervention among Ukrainian students based on an online experiment. More than 3,000 survey participants were randomly assigned to one of three different videos on corruption and its consequences (treatment groups) or a video on higher education (control group). The data suggest a high level of academic dishonesty and...

Université de Fribourg

An experimental evaluation of an anti-corruption intervention among Ukrainian university students

Denisova-Schmidt, Elena ; Huber, Martin ; Prytula, Yaroslav

(Working Papers SES ; 462)

In this paper, we investigate experimentally the effect of an anti-corruption intervention -an info folder based on materials developed by Transparency International- on Ukrainian university students’ willingness to participate in an anti-corruption campaign and their general attitude toward corruption. In a survey of 600 students in the Ukrainian city of Lviv, individuals were randomly exposed...

Université de Fribourg

Direct and indirect effects based on difference-in-differences with an application to political preferences following the Vietnam draft lottery

Deuchert, Eva ; Huber, Martin ; Schelker, Mark

(Working Papers SES ; 473)

This study empirically evaluates the impact of the war in eastern Ukraine on the political attitudes aThis paper proposes a difference-in-differences approach for disentangling a total treatment effect on some outcome into a direct impact as well as an indirect effect operating through a binary intermediate variable – or mediator – within strata defined upon how the mediator reacts to the...

Université de Fribourg

A cautionary tale about control variables in IV estimation

Deuchert, Eva ; Huber, Martin

(Working Papers SES ; 453)

Many instrumental variable (IV) regressions include control variables to justify (conditional) independence of the instrument and the potential outcomes. The plausibility of conditional IV independence crucially depends on the timing when the control variables are determined. This paper systemically works through different IV models and discusses the (conditions for the) satisfaction of...