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Università della Svizzera italiana

Adjuvants and the vaccine response to the DS-Cav1-stabilized fusion glycoprotein of respiratory syncytial virus

Sastry, Mallika ; Zhang, Baoshan ; Chen, Man ; Joyce, M. Gordon ; Kong, Wing-Pui ; Chuang, Gwo-Yu ; Ko, Kiyoon ; Kumar, Azad ; Silacci, Chiara ; Thom, Michelle ; Salazar, Andres M. ; Corti, Davide ; Lanzavecchia, Antonio ; Taylor, Geraldine ; Mascola, John R. ; Graham, Barney S. ; Kwong, Peter D.

In: Plos one, 2017, vol. 12, no. 10, p. e0186854

Appropriate adjuvant selection may be essential to optimize the potency and to tailor the immune response of subunit vaccines. To induce protective responses against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)—a highly prevalent childhood pathogen without a licensed vaccine—we previously engineered a pre-fusion-stabilized trimeric RSV F (pre-F) “DS-Cav1” immunogen, which induced high titer...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Analysis of memory B cell responses and isolation of novel monoclonal antibodies with neutralizing breadth from HIV-1-infected individuals

Corti, Davide ; Langedijk, Johannes P. M. ; Hinz, Andreas ; Seaman, Michael S. ; Vanzetta, Fabrizia ; Fernandez-Rodriguez, Blanca M. ; Silacci, Chiara ; Pinna, Debora ; Jarrossay, David ; Balla-Jhagjhoorsingh, Sunita ; Willems, Betty ; Zekveld, Maria J. ; Dreja ; O’Sullivan, Eithne ; Pade, Corinna ; Orkin, Chloe ; Jeffs, Simon A. ; Montefiori, David C. ; David, Davis ; Weissenhorn, Winfried ; McKnight, Aine ; Heeney, Jonathan L. ; Sallusto, Federica ; Sattentau, Quentin J. ; Weiss, robin A. ; Lanzavecchia, Antonio

In: Plos one, 2010, vol. 5, no. 1, p. e8805

Background The isolation of human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that neutralize a broad spectrum of primary HIV-1 isolates and the characterization of the human neutralizing antibody B cell response to HIV-1 infection are important goals that are central to the design of an effective antibody-based vaccine. Methods and Findings We immortalized IgG+ memory B cells from individuals infected with...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Antibody-driven design of a human cytomegalovirus gHgLpUL128L subunit vaccine that selectively elicits potent neutralizing antibodies

Kabanovaa, Anna ; Perez, Laurent ; Lilleri, Daniele ; Marcandalli, Jessica ; Agatic, Gloria ; Becattini, Simone ; Preite, Silvia ; Fuschillo, Dario ; Percivalle,Elena ; Sallusto, Federica ; Gerna, Giuseppe ; Corti, Davide ; Lanzavecchia, Antonio

In: Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the United States of America, 2014, vol. 111, no. 50, p. 17965-17970

The use of neutralizing antibodies to identify the most effective antigen has been proposed as a strategy to design vaccines capable of eliciting protective B-cell immunity. In this study, we analyzed the human antibody response to cytomegalovirus (human cytomegalovirus, HCMV) infection and found that antibodies to glycoprotein (g)B, a surface glycoprotein that has been developed as a HCMV...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Antibody-guided vaccine design : identification of protective epitopes

Lanzavecchia, Antonio ; Frühwirth, Alexander ; Perez, Laurent ; Corti, Davide

In: Current opinion in immunology, 2016, vol. 41, no. August, p. 62-67

In the last decade, progress in the analysis of the human immune response and in the isolation of human monoclonal antibodies have provided an innovative approach to the identification of protective antigens which are the basis for the design of vaccines capable of eliciting effective B-cell immunity. In this review we illustrate, with relevant examples, the power of this approach that can...

Università della Svizzera italiana

The antibody response to Plasmodium falciparum : cues for vaccine design and the discovery of receptor-based antibodies

Tan, Joshua ; Piccoli, Luca ; Lanzavecchia, Antonio

In: Annual Review of Immunology

P. falciparum remains a serious public health problem and a continuous challenge for the immune system due to the complexity and diversity of the pathogen. Recent advances from several laboratories in the characterization of the antibody response to the parasite have led to the identification of critical targets for protection and revealed a new mechanism of diversification based on the...

Università della Svizzera italiana

An anti-HIV-1 V3 loop antibody fully protects cross-clade and elicits T-cell immunity in macaques mucosally challenged with an R5 clade C SHIV

Watkins, Jennifer D. ; Siddappa, Nagadenahalli B. ; Lakhashe, Samir K. ; Humbert, Michael ; Sholukh, Anton ; Hemashettar, Girish ; Wong, Yin Ling ; Yoon, John K. ; Wang, Wendy ; Novembre, Francis J. ; Villinger, Francois ; Ibegbu, Chris ; Patel, Kalpana ; Corti, Davide ; Agatic, Gloria ; Vanzetta, Fabrizio ; Bianchi, Siro ; Heeney, Jonathan L. ; Sallusto, Federica ; Lanzavecchia, Antonio ; Ruprecht, Ruth M.

In: Plos one, 2011, vol. 6, no. 3, p. e18207

Neutralizing antibodies have been shown to protect macaques against SHIV challenge. However, genetically diverse HIV-1 clades have evolved, and a key question left unanswered is whether neutralizing antibodies can confer cross-clade protection in vivo. The novel human monoclonal antibody HGN194 was isolated from an individual infected with an HIV-1 clade AG recombinant circulating recombinant...

Università della Svizzera italiana

CCR6 is expressed on an IL-10-producing, autoreactive memory T cell population with context-dependent regulatory function

Rivino, Laura ; Gruarin, Paola ; Häringer, Barbara ; Steinfelder, Svenja ; Lozza, Laura ; Steckel, Bodo ; Weick, Anja ; Sugliano, Elisa ; Jarrossay, David ; Kühl, Anja A. ; Loddenkemper, Christoph ; Abrignani, Sergio ; Sallusto, Federica ; Lanzavecchia, Antonio ; Geginat, Jens

In: Journal of experimental medicine, 2010, vol. 207, no. 3, p. 565-577

Interleukin (IL)-10 produced by regulatory T cell subsets is important for the prevention of autoimmunity and immunopathology, but little is known about the phenotype and function of IL-10–producing memory T cells. Human CD4+CCR6+ memory T cells contained comparable numbers of IL-17– and IL-10–producing cells, and CCR6 was induced under both Th17-promoting conditions and upon tolerogenic...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Characterization of neutralizing profiles in HIV-1 infected patients from whom the HJ16, HGN194 and HK20 mAbs were obtained

Balla-Jhagjhoorsingh, Sunita S. ; Willems, Betty ; Heyndrickx, Liesbeth ; Heyndrickx, Leo ; Vereecken, Katleen ; Janssens, Wouter ; Seaman, Michael S. ; Corti, Davide ; Lanzavecchia, Antonio ; Davis, David ; Vanham, Guido

In: Plos one, 2011, vol. 6, no. 10, p. e25488

Several new human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with a neutralizing potential across different subtypes have recently been described. Three mAbs, HJ16, HGN194 and HK20, were obtained from patients within the HIV-1 cohort of the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM). Our aim was to generate immunization antibodies equivalent to those seen in plasma. Here, we describe the selection and...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Conformational occlusion of blockade antibody epitopes, a novel mechanism of GII.4 human norovirus immune evasion

Lindesmith, Lisa C. ; Mallory, Michael L. ; Debbink, Kari ; Donaldson, Eric F. ; Brewer-Jensen, Paul D. ; Swann, Excel W. ; Sheahan, Timothy P. ; Graham, Rachel L. ; Beltramello, Martina ; Corti, Davide ; Lanzavecchia, Antonio ; Baric, Ralph S.

In: mSphere, 2018, vol. 3, no. 1, p. e00518-17

Extensive antigenic diversity within the GII.4 genotype of human norovirus is a major driver of pandemic emergence and a significant obstacle to development of cross- protective immunity after natural infection and vaccination. However, human and mouse monoclonal antibody studies indicate that, although rare, antibodies to conserved GII.4 blockade epitopes are generated. The mechanisms by...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Crystal structure and size-dependent neutralization properties of HK20, a human monoclonal antibody binding to the highly conserved heptad repeat 1 of gp41

Sabin, Charles ; Corti, Davide ; Buzon, Victor ; Seaman, Mike S. ; Hulsik, David Lutje ; Hinz, Andreas ; Vanzetta, Fabrizia ; Agatic, Gloria ; Silacci, Chiara ; Mainetti, Lara ; Scarlatti, Gabriella ; Sallusto, Federica ; Weiss, Robin ; Lanzavecchia, Antonio ; Weissenhorn, Winfried

In: Plos pathogens, 2010, vol. 6, no. 11, p. e1001195

The human monoclonal antibody (mAb) HK20 neutralizes a broad spectrum of primary HIV-1 isolates by targeting the highly conserved heptad repeat 1 (HR1) of gp41, which is transiently exposed during HIV-1 entry. Here we present the crystal structure of the HK20 Fab in complex with a gp41 mimetic 5-Helix at 2.3 A° resolution. HK20 employs its heavy chain CDR H2 and H3 loops to bind into a...