Cueing vocabulary in awake subjects during the day has no effect on memory = Die Reaktivierung von Vokabeln an wachen Personen am Tag hat keinen Einfluss auf die Gedächtnisleistung

Schreiner, T. ; Rasch, B.

In: Somnologie - Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, 2015, vol. 19, no. 2, p. 133-140

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    Background: It is assumed that the beneficial effect of sleep on memory relies on spontaneous reactivation of memories during sleep. We recently showed that reactivation by re-exposure to previously learned foreign vocabulary cues during sleep benefits vocabulary learning. Cueing foreign vocabulary during active or passive wakefulness at night did not improve memory, suggesting that memory benefits of cueing are specific to sleep. However, the ineffectiveness of cueing during wakefulness might also be explained by increased tiredness of the participants in this former study. Objectives: To exclude tiredness as a confounding factor, we tested the effect of vocabulary cueing during active and passive daytime wakefulness. It was hypothesized that cueing during waking does not improve memory consolidation, even when participants are well rested. Methods: A total of 32subjects learned 120Dutch-German word pairs. During a 3h retention interval, parts of the previously learned Dutch words were replayed. Subjects of the active waking group (N=16) were distracted from hearing the Dutch words by an n-back task, while subjects of the passive waking group (N=16) were not distracted. After the retention interval, memory for word pairs was tested by a cued recall. Results: Replay of Dutch words during daytime wake did not improve later memory for the German translation in either of the waking groups. We observed no difference in recall performance between cued and uncued words, neither in the active waking nor in the passive waking group. Conclusion: Cueing Dutch words during wakefulness does not exert beneficial effects on memory, even when subjects are well rested and under full control of their cognitive capacities. This result gives further evidence that the beneficial effects of cueing are solely specific to sleep.