Interactive effects of yolk testosterone and carotenoid on prenatal growth and offspring physiology in a precocial bird

Giraudeau, Mathieu ; Ziegler, Ann-Kathrin ; Pick, Joel L. ; Ducatez, Simon ; Canale, Cindy I. ; Tschirren, Barbara

In: Behavioral Ecology, 2016, vol. 28, no. 1, p. -

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    Mothers can influence offspring phenotype through the transmission of hormones, immune, or antioxidant compounds, but the interactive effects of these resources have never been studied. Here, we show that maternally transmitted testosterone and carotenoid interact to influence embryo growth and reactive oxygen metabolites in Japanese quail. These results provide the first experimental evidence for interactive effects of 2 maternally derived egg compounds on offspring phenotype and suggest that developmental cues are tightly coadjusted within an egg.