New anatomical information on arms and fins from exceptionally preserved Plesioteuthis (Coleoidea) from the Late Jurassic of Germany

Klug, Christian ; Fuchs, Dirk ; Schweigert, Günter ; Röper, Martin ; Tischlinger, Helmut

In: Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 2015, vol. 134, no. 2, p. 245-255

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    Plesioteuthis is a coleoid rather well known from the classical Fossillagerstätten of southern Germany (Solnhofen-Eichstätt region, Nusplingen). Here, we present two new specimens that display unusually preserved cirri-bearing arms and two pairs of fins. Based on these specimens, we shortly discuss in how far arm arrangement in the fossils might reflect behaviour. Additionally, we revise the phylogenetic position of the Jurassic vampyromorphs.