Direct in vitro and in vivo comparison of 161Tb and 177Lu using a tumour-targeting folate conjugate

Müller, Cristina ; Reber, Josefine ; Haller, Stephanie ; Dorrer, Holger ; Bernhardt, Peter ; Zhernosekov, Konstantin ; Türler, Andreas ; Schibli, Roger

In: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2014, vol. 41, no. 3, p. 476-485

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    Purpose: The radiolanthanide 161Tb (T 1/2 = 6.90days, Eβ− av = 154keV) was recently proposed as a potential alternative to 177Lu (T 1/2 = 6.71days, Eβ− av = 134keV) due to similar physical decay characteristics but additional conversion and Auger electrons that may enhance the therapeutic efficacy. The goal of this study was to compare 161Tb and 177Lu in vitro and in vivo using a tumour-targeted DOTA-folate conjugate (cm09). Methods: 161Tb-cm09 and 177Lu-cm09 were tested in vitro on folate receptor (FR)-positive KB and IGROV-1 cancer cells using a 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) viability assay. In vivo 161Tb-cm09 and 177Lu-cm09 (10MBq, 0.5nmol) were investigated in two different tumour mouse models with regard to the biodistribution, the possibility for single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging and the antitumour efficacy. Potentially undesired side effects were monitored over 6months by determination of plasma parameters and examination of kidney function with quantitative SPECT using 99mTc-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA). Results: To obtain half-maximal inhibition of tumour cell viability a 4.5-fold (KB) and 1.7-fold (IGROV-1) lower radioactivity concentration was required for 161Tb-cm09 (IC50 ~0.014MBq/ml and ~2.53MBq/ml) compared to 177Lu-cm09 (IC50 ~0.063MBq/ml and ~4.52MBq/ml). SPECT imaging visualized tumours of mice with both radioconjugates. However, in therapy studies 161Tb-cm09 reduced tumour growth more efficiently than 177Lu-cm09. These findings were in line with the higher absorbed tumour dose for 161Tb-cm09 (3.3Gy/MBq) compared to 177Lu-cm09 (2.4Gy/MBq). None of the monitored parameters indicated signs of impaired kidney function over the whole time period of investigation after injection of the radiofolates. Conclusion: Compared to 177Lu-cm09 we demonstrated equal imaging features for 161Tb-cm09 but an increased therapeutic efficacy for 161Tb-cm09 in both tumour cell lines in vitro and in vivo. Further preclinical studies using other tumour-targeting radioconjugates are clearly necessary to draw final conclusions about the future clinical perspectives of 161Tb.