I don't care about others' approval: Dysphoric individuals show reduced effort mobilization for obtaining a social reward

Brinkmann, Kerstin ; Franzen, Jessica ; Rossier, Cyrielle ; Gendolla, Guido

In: Motivation and Emotion, 2014, vol. 38, no. 6, p. 790-801

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    Past research on reduced reward responsiveness in depression and dysphoria has mainly focused on monetary rewards. However, social rewards are important motivators and might be especially impaired in depression. The present study tested the hypothesis that nondysphoric individuals would mobilize more effort during a memory task without a clear performance standard when anticipating social approval for good performance. In contrast, dysphoric individuals were expected to be less sensitive to this reward and to mobilize less effort. Effort mobilization in this 2 (dysphoric vs. nondysphoric)×2 (no reward vs. social approval) between-persons study was operationalized by participants' cardiovascular reactivity. Results confirmed that nondysphorics had higher reactivity of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate when expecting to enter their name in the alleged "best list”, whereas dysphorics had lower cardiovascular reactivity. The present study expands evidence for reduced reward responsiveness in depression and dysphoria from an effort mobilization perspective by demonstrating reduced effort-related cardiovascular reactivity to social rewards.