Alansmia , a new genus of grammitid ferns (Polypodiaceae) segregated from Terpsichore

Kessler, Michael ; Velázquez, Ana ; Sundue, Michael ; Labiak, Paulo

In: Brittonia, 2011, vol. 63, no. 2, p. 233-244

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    Alansmia, a new genus of grammitid ferns is described and combinations are made for the 26 species known to belong to it. Alansmia is supported by five morphological synapomorphies: setae present on the rhizomes, cells of the rhizome scales turgid, both surfaces of the rhizome scales ciliate, laminae membranaceous, and sporangial capsules setose. Other diagnostic characters include pendent fronds with indeterminate growth, concolorous, orange to castaneous rhizome scales with ciliate or sometimes glandular margins, hydathodes often cretaceous, and setae simple, paired or stellate. The group also exhibits the uncommon characteristic of producing both trilete and apparently monolete spores, sometimes on the same plant. New combinations are made for Alansmia alfaroi, A. bradeana, A. canescens, A. concinna, A. contacta, A. cultrata, A. dependens, A. diaphana, A. elastica, A. glandulifera, A. heteromorpha, A. immixta, A. kirkii, A. lanigera, A. laxa, A. longa, A. monosora, A. reclinata, A. semilunaris, A. senilis, A. smithii, A. spathulata, A. stella var. stella, A. stella var. flava, A. turrialbae, A. variabilis, A. xanthotrichia. Lectotypifications are made for Alansmia concina, A. variabilis, Polypodium ciliare, P. flexile, and P. ovalescens. The genus is named in honor of pteridologist Alan R. Smith