A novel extraction method for peanut allergenic proteins in chocolate and their detection by a liposome-based lateral flow assay

Wen, Hsiao-Wei ; Borejsza-Wysocki, Wlodzimierz ; DeCory, Thomas ; Baeumner, Antje ; Durst, Richard

In: European Food Research and Technology, 2005, vol. 221, no. 3-4, p. 564-569

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    In this study, conditions for extracting the major peanut allergen (Ara h1) from chocolate were optimized, and the extracted samples were analyzed by a lateral flow assay (LFA) using liposomal nanovesicles. The optimal conditions using peanut-spiked chocolate were found to be extraction with a mixture of phosphate buffered saline and hexane for 30min at 35°C. After centrifugation, the buffer portion was treated with insoluble poly(vinylpolypyrrolidone) to remove phenolic compounds, and then analyzed by the LFA. The entire analysis, including sample preparation and LFA, could be easily completed within 2h, and the detection limit was 158μg of peanuts/g of chocolate