Near-critical adsorption of CO2 on 13X zeolite and N2O onsilicagel: lack of evidence of critical phenomena

Pini, Ronny ; Ottiger, Stefan ; Rajendran, Arvind ; Storti, Giuseppe ; Mazzotti, Marco

In: Adsorption, 2008, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 133-141

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    The excess adsorption of CO2 on 13X zeolite and of N2O on silica gel has been studied at high pressure using a magnetic suspension balance, i.e. a gravimetric method. Recently, a detailed study on the density distribution in the measuring cell of the magnetic suspension balance showed that a proper approach to thermostatting the unit should be used in order to obtain reliable and accurate excess adsorption measurements. This is particularly important in the vicinity of the critical point of the fluid, where the density is strongly dependent on pressure and temperature. In the past, several effects were observed in our laboratory when measuring near-critical adsorption on 13X zeolite and on silica gel, namely critical adsorption and critical depletion. In the present study, these effects have been checked using the balance in the new thermostatting configuration, and the conclusion can be drawn that the accuracy of the measurement is not sufficient to prove that they indeed occur. More accurate adsorption data for the two systems have been measured and reported