Fragmentation genetics in the tropics

Kettle, Chris ; Finger, Aline

In: Conservation Genetics Resources, 2013, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 299-301

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    On the 23rd of February, some 50 Conservation Geneticists from around the global gathered for a half day symposium entitled ‘Fragmentation Genetics in the Tropics' held at the Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany as part of the German Tropical Ecology Society annual meeting 2012. The overall aim of this symposium was to showcase the latest novel research applying molecular methods (landscape genetics, conservation genetics and phylogeography) to advance our understanding of genetic consequences of fragmentation in the tropics, particularly in the context of how population size and isolation influences population and species extinction. I provide a brief overview of the symposium and finish with a call for papers for a special issue of the sister journal Conservation Genetics, for which submission is now open