Progress in erigonine spider phylogeny—the Savignia -group is not monophyletic (Araneae: Linyphiidae)

Frick, Holger ; Nentwig, Wolfgang ; Kropf, Christian

In: Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 2010, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 297-310

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    We present the most inclusive study on the higher-level phylogeny of erigonine spiders, including about 30% of all erigonine genera. By expanding the previously most comprehensive analysis (Miller and Hormiga Cladistics 20:385-442, 2004) we tested the robustness of its results to the addition of closely related taxa, and also the monophyly of the Savignia-group defined by Millidge (Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 4:1-60, 1977). The character matrix was expanded by adding 18 newly scored species in 15 genera, and also includes all species scored by other authors. This adds up to 98 species in 91 erigonine genera plus 13 outgroup taxa. The parsimony analysis led to eight fully resolved most parsimonious trees (L=1084). The topology concerning the taxa basal to the ‘distal erigonines' remained unchanged, and the latter clade still shares 67% of all nodes with the original analysis. The Savignia-group is not monophyletic at genus level with respect to Saloca diceros and Alioranus pastoralis, and the same applies at species level in Diplocephalus and Erigonella. From the Savignia-group, Glyphesis servulus, Diplocephalus cristatus, Savignia frontata, and two representatives each of Erigonella, Dicymbium and Araeoncus combine to form a monophyletic clade