Within-plant distribution of induced resistance in apple seedlings: rapid acropetal and delayed basipetal responses

Gutbrodt, Bettina ; Mody, Karsten ; Wittwer, Raphaël ; Dorn, Silvia

In: Planta, 2011, vol. 233, no. 6, p. 1199-1207

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    Induction of plant resistance by herbivory is a complex process, which follows a temporal dynamic and varies spatially at the within-plant scale. This study aimed at improving the understanding of the induction process in terms of time scale and within-plant allocation, using apple tree seedlings (Malus×domestica) as plant model. Feeding preferences of a leaf-chewing insect (Spodoptera littoralis) for previously damaged and undamaged plants were assessed for six different time intervals with respect to the herbivore damage treatment and for three leaf positions. In addition, main secondary defense compounds were quantified and linked to herbivore feeding preferences. Significant herbivore preference for undamaged plants (induced resistance) was first observed 3days after herbivore damage in the most apical leaf. Responses were delayed in the other leaf positions, and induced resistance decreased within 10days after herbivore damage simultaneously in all tested leaf positions. Chemical analysis revealed higher concentrations of the flavonoid phloridzin in damaged plants as compared to undamaged plants. This indicates that herbivore preference for undamaged apple plants may be linked to phloridzin, which is the main secondary metabolite of apple leaves. The observed time course and distribution of resistance responses within plants contribute to the understanding of induction processes and patterns, and support the optimal defense theory stating young tissue to be prioritized. Moreover, induced resistance responses occurred also basipetally in leaves below the damage site, which suggests that signaling pathways involved in resistance responses are not unidirectional