COOP Charts in French: translation and preliminary data on instrument properties

Perneger, T. ; Leplège, *. ; Guillain, H. ; Ecosse, E. ; Etter, J.-F

In: Quality of Life Research, 1998, vol. 7, no. 8, p. 683-692

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    This paper describes the procedure used to translate the COOP Charts into French and provides preliminary information on the instrument's acceptability, reliability and validity. The charts were translated in several steps: seven initial translations were combined into a first pilot version, which was then tested for acceptability, clarity and alternate wordings in two convenience samples taken from the general population (n=53). The modified version was then reviewed by a lay panel and another translator and submitted by mail to 209 congress participants to test several construct validity hypotheses through known-groups comparisons. A panel of public health professionals discussed the content validity of the charts. Finally, test-retest reliability and concurrent validity with SF-36 Health Survey scores were examined among 65 patients with end-stage renal disease. The translation process identified a wide variability in translation options for several items. The acceptability of the charts was excellent. The test-retest correlations ranged from 0.60 to 0.87. Content validity appeared to be appropriate, except for the chart on ‘social support', which combines the questions of need and availability of social support. The utility of illustrations was questioned by some respondents: many claimed not to have used the illustrations in selecting their response, while others found them to be not expressive enough. Most preliminary tests of construct validity were consistent with theory. This French translation of the COOP Charts appears to be ready for more extensive testing in the intended target population of ambulatory patients