Quetiapine Dosage Across Diagnostic Categories

Khazaal, Yasser ; Chatton, Anne ; Khan, Riaz ; Zullino, Daniele

In: Psychiatric Quarterly, 2009, vol. 80, no. 1, p. 17-22

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    Objective The aim of the current study was to evaluate quetiapine doses used across diagnosis categories in a sample of psychiatric inpatients. Methods Discharge letters of all adult inpatients who had received quetiapine between 1999 and 2005 were retrospectively reviewed. Logistic regressions were carried-out to assess links between quetiapine discharge dosage (≥800mg/day vs. <800mg/day), diagnostic categories, substance abuse or dependence, benzodiazepine discharge doses, age and sex. Results The data of 231 patients were included. Five hundred and for discharge documents were analyzed: 113 for psychotic disorders, 190 for personality disorders, 134 for bipolar and schizoaffective bipolar disorders, 29 for unipolar depression or anxiety disorders, and 35 for mental retardation. Considering psychotic disorders as a reference group, patients with personality disorders were statistically significantly less likely to be in the high quetiapine dosage group at discharge (P=0.007, OR=0.1 and CI [0.03; 0.6]). Conclusions Quetiapine seems to be used in a variety of clinical situations, with a wide range of doses and a lower dosage in patients treated for personality disorders