Uncoupling Protein 3: Its Possible Biological Role and Mode of Regulation in Rodents and Humans

Muzzin, Patrick ; Boss, Olivier ; Giacobino, Jean-Paul

In: Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 1999, vol. 31, no. 5, p. 467-473

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    The recently discovered uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) is highly homologous to the mitochondrialinner membrane protein UCP1, which generates heat by uncoupling the respiratory chainfrom oxidative phosphorylation. The thermogenic function of UCP1 protects against cold andregulates the energy balance in rodents. We review in vitro studies investigating the uncouplingactivity of UCP3 and in vivo studies, which address UCP3 gene expression in brown adiposetissue and skeletal muscle under various metabolic conditions. The data presented are, for themost, consistent with an uncoupling role for UCP3 in regulatory thermogenesis. We alsodiscuss mediators of UCP3 regulation and propose a potential role for intracellular fatty acidsin the mechanism of UCP3 modulation. Finally, we hypothesize a role for UCP3 in themetabolic adaptation of the mitochondria to the degradation of fatty acids