A composition-independent quantitative determination of the water content in silicate glasses and silicate melt inclusions by confocal Raman spectroscopy

Zajacz, Zoltán ; Halter, Werner ; Malfait, Wim ; Bachmann, Olivier ; Bodnar, Robert ; Hirschmann, Marc ; Mandeville, Charles ; Morizet, Yann ; Müntener, Othmar ; Ulmer, Peter ; Webster, James

In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2005, vol. 150, no. 6, p. 631-642

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    A new approach was developed to measure the water content of silicate glasses using Raman spectroscopy, which is independent of the glass matrix composition and structure. Contrary to previous studies, the compositional range of our studied silicate glasses was not restricted to rhyolites, but included andesitic, basaltic and phonolitic glasses. We used 21 glasses with known water contents for calibration. To reduce the uncertainties caused by the baseline removal and correct for the influence of the glass composition on the spectra, we developed the following strategy: (1) application of a frequency-dependent intensity correction of the Raman spectra; (2) normalization of the water peak using the broad T-O and T-O-T vibration band at 850-1250cm−1 wavenumbers (instead of the low wavenumber T-O-T broad band, which appeared to be highly sensitive to the FeO content and the degree of polymerization of the melt); (3) normalization of the integrated Si-O band area by the total number of tetrahedral cations and the position of the band maximum. The calibration line shows a ±0.4wt% uncertainty at one relative standard deviation in the range of 0.8-9.5wt% water and a wide range of natural melt compositions. This method provides a simple, quick, broadly available and cost-effective way for a quantitative determination of the water content of silicate glasses. Application to silicate melt inclusions yielded data in good agreement with SIMS data