Gradient-enhanced volume rendering: an image processing strategy to facilitate whole small bowel imaging with MRI

Wyss, Michael ; Froehlich, Johannes ; Patak, Michael ; Juli, Christoph ; Scheidegger, Markus ; Zollikofer, Christoph ; Wentz, Klaus

In: European Radiology, 2007, vol. 17, no. 4, p. 1081-1088

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    MRI of the small bowel with positive contrast from orally administered contrast agent is a promising non-invasive imaging method. The aim of our study was to introduce small bowel MRI in a display format that clinicians are accustomed to and that maximizes the amount of information visualized on a single image. Twelve healthy volunteers, median age 32years (range 18-49 years) participated in the study. A mixture of 20ml Gd-DOTA (Dotarem), 0.8g/kg body weight psyllium fibre (Metamucil) and 1.2l water were sequentially administered over a period of 4h. Imaging was performed on a 1.5Tunit (Philips Gyroscan, Intera). Fat-saturated, 3D, gradient echo imaging was performed while the patient was in apnea (30s). Bowel motion was reduced with 40mg intravenously administered scopolamine (Buscopan). A 3D, gradient-enhanced, volume rendering technique was applied to the 3D data sets. Standard projections [left anterior oblique (LAO), right anterior oblique (RAO), supine and prone] resembling conventional enteroclysis were successfully generated within fewer than 10min processing time. Reconstructions were reproducible and provided an entire overview of the small bowel. In addition thin-slab volume rendering allowed an overlap-free display of individual structures. Positive contrast from orally administered contrast agent, combined with a gradient enhanced volume rendering method, allows the reconstruction of the small bowel in a pattern resembling conventional double-contrast enteroclysis. Segmental display without overlay is possible