The Impact of Communication Skills Training in Oncology: a Linguistic Analysis

Singy, Pascal ; Bourquin, Céline ; Sulstarova, Brikela ; Stiefel, Friedrich

In: Journal of Cancer Education, 2012, vol. 27, no. 3, p. 404-408

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    This study aimed to investigate the impact of a communication skills training (CST) in oncology on clinicians' linguistic strategies. A verbal communication analysis software (Logiciel d'Analyse de la Communication Verbale) was used to compare simulated patients interviews with oncology clinicians who participated in CST (N = 57) (pre/post with a 6-month interval) with a control group of oncology clinicians who did not (N = 56) (T1/T2 with a 6-month interval). A significant improvement of linguistic strategies related to biomedical, psychological and social issues was observed. Analysis of linguistic aspects of videotaped interviews might become in the future a part of individualised feedback in CST and utilised as a marker for an evaluation of training